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 brett curtis tyska--;

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burning torch**

Posts : 192
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

brett curtis tyska--; Empty
PostSubject: brett curtis tyska--;   brett curtis tyska--; I_icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2009 8:02 pm

brett curtis tyska--;
brett curtis tyska--; 25r2zvt
I just want to see the light;;
I need to know it's worth the fight.

basic information;;
Name--; Brett Curtis Tyska
Pronounced--; Bret Cur-tis Tie-skai
Nickname--; As Brett's name is unusually short, it means that he doesn't have as many nicknames as people with longer names usually do. Instead, he's called by names that most people are. "B-Dawg" and the like. Nothing original, really.
Age--; Seventeen.
Birthday--; December Twelveth
Grade--; Junior
Gender--; Male
Eye colour--; Brett's eyes are a shade of dark brown, although not so dark that they hide the pupils in them. When the light hits them just right, you can see an almost golden-yellow tint.
Hair colour--; Brett's hair ranges in colour from dark brown to light brown, with it always being somewhere in the middle. During the winter, it gets darker, during the summer, it gets lighter.
Orientation--; Brett's proud to say that he's straighter than a ruler, and he isn't about to change that any time soon.
Nationality--; 40% Italian, 35% Czech, 15% Bolivian, 10% Hispanic
Social Class-; In the middle of the middle class.
Alexander Marcus Tyska -- Father -- 80% Italian, 20% Hispanic -- 44 years old
Born and raised in good ol' Oklahoma, Alexander -- Alex -- is a charming southern man with an accent to match it. His parents moved thier family to Kentucky when he was sixteen years of age. He fell in love with the neighbor, Haeyden, and made it his goal to marry her. He succeded, obviously.
Haeyden Grace Tyska -- Mother -- 70% Czech, 30% Bolivian -- 45 years old
Haeyden Grace Tyska was born as Haeyden Grace Halls in the southern state of Kentucky. Born and raised there, she was a sweet southern lady who soon stole the heart of Alexander Marcus Tyska, the teenage male who had moved in next door...
James Lucas Tyska -- Younger Brother -- Twelve years old
James is your typical younger brother, always wanting to be like his older brother. Of course, Brett isn't pleased with this at all. He wants to be himself, and be the only one of him that there is. But that can't happen, when James is copying his every move. His parents tell Brett that it's just a phase, that it'll wear off. Brett, however, is unsure that it ever will.
Sarah Megan Tyska -- Younger Sister -- Nine years old
Sarah, the typical younger sister in a house mainly made up of men. She's used to roughing it with the men: Wrestling, playing baseball and video games with them is all part of the job for this girl. Of course, like all girls, she has her insecurities about growing older.
Mittens -- Tuxedo cat
The Tyska family found Mittens on the street one day. She was malnourished and pretty much skin-and-bones. On top of that, she had a mild case of mange. The family, however, ignored this and brought her home, willing to pay vetinary expenses to keep the kitten alive. They meant to foster her, really, but they ended up falling in love with her. So they kept Mittens, and she's grown healthy and put on a deal of weight.

know him;; inside and out

Brett has always been one of the taller guys in his class. And now, standing at just about 6"3, he's noticed that some of his friends are reaching his height and shooting past him. But so long as Brett can still beat them in "his" sports, than he doesn't care. He's built for sports, with carefully maintained and built up muscules, although he's not so hugely built-up that he looks like some macho body builder. Instead, he still looks sort-of slim, just a little more filled out than most thin people. With his height, Brett doesn't have to try hard to be seen over the heads of his fellow students, so he often bends down, trying not to seem as tall as he really is. It's not that he doesn't like being tall, it's just that it makes him feel awkward when he stands next to people shorter than himself.

Usually, Brett wears lose tee-shirts that hang from his form, leaving much to the imagination. Normally, he'll pair his tee-shirt with a pair of blue jeans or a pair of athletic shorts, depending on the weather. He likes to wear hats, as does every other male, and he twists them around backwards, leaving his hair poking out the front of the cap.

Brett's hair is naturally a shade of brown, whether it be dark or light. It's cut short, reaching just below his ears. Some natural waves that he inherited from his father twist through his hair, giving it a messy appearance no matter how many times he tries to brush it. Basically, it almost always looks as if he has just woken up with bedhead. His eyebrows are just a shade or two darker than his hair, although he doesn't know why. His parents tell him that the colour of his eyebrows will be his natural hair colour when he's older, but he's unsure as if to believe them or not. Underneath his eyebrows, his eyes are a shade of meduim-brown, although when the light hits them just right you can see yellow-golden flecks tinting them.

Brett's always been an enthuastic, lovable guy. Even now, in high-school and suffering from clincal (major) depression, he's still one of the most enthuastic guys around, although he's a little more quiet than he normally was. Really, he tries hard not to let his disorder get him down. He knows it's hereditory, as his grandmother on his mother's side of the family had had the disorder aswell. He still has his bad days, though, like any other person. When this happens, he'll take two of his pills in the morning and hope that the extra dosage will help pick up his spirits. On other days, though, he feels so amazing, so alive, that he doesn't take the pill at all for the next few days, thinking that he's been cured. That's always a mistake, though. He'll become as bad as he was before and have to restart taking the pills again, mainly before someone notices that he's stopped taking them. It's a tiring cycle, one that Brett just wishes that he could simply end one day. But he can't. He's the all-star sports player. He's the big brother that his siblings look up to. He's his parents first child and eldest son. He can't let them down. This fact weighs heavily on Brett's shoulders, mentally and physically. There's some days he just can't take it any longer. Those are the days he digs down inside himself, refusing to come out, trying to shoulder the burden on his shoulders. Of course, he knows it's just the disorder kicking in, but that doesn't stop him from feeling the way he does. On the outside, nobody knows of his mental agony. They simply think he's just having a bad day, which happens for him more often than anybody else.

[+] Hardworking--; As Brett's on the football, baseball, and track teams, he's used to working hard. He's constantly training, even when he tells himself he's not doing it for the team, he's doing it for himself. He's always striving, always giving his best effort, his 110% percent.
[+/-] Curious--; Brett's always looking for the answers to the questions he has. No matter if the question is hard to answer or one that most people know enough not to ask, he wants the answer and he wants the answer badly.
[+] Happy--; Brett's always been one for having a ton of fun. He's always happy, energetic, wanting to get outside and do something with someone at almost all times. It's just his personality, never letting him dwell on the low points without thinking of the good times.
[-] Busy--; Brett's constantly doing something. Even when he looks like he isn't, the wheels in his mind are turning, thinking of new ways for him to improve himself, mentally and physically. Or maybe even ways for him to help his parents and siblings out around the house.

Brett was diagnosed with clinical (major) depression the summer before he hit highschool.
Stuff that had always meant something to him before -- friends, family, and sports -- suddenly became meaningless to him. He spent countless hours locked in his bedroom, left alone with only his thoughts for company. Slowly, he began to lose shape. What had once been a body built for sports lost it's carefully built and maintained tone. His appearance became unkempt, as if he didn't care or have the energy to fix his appearance. Brett had normally been an enthusastic person, and it seemed to his parents that his life had drained out of him. The passion he had always displayed seemed to have been replaced by a miserable, sullen attitude towards everything that he had once loved. His parents and siblings rarely ever saw him anymore. The only time he withdrew from his room was when he came out for meals, and even than, those moments were brief and he rarely spoke with them. Brett's parents grew worried about him, like most parents would. Upon asking him what was wrong, he told them this:

"Nothing's wrong with me, that I know of. It's just... I dunno what, I guess. It's just like I'm not happy anymore. I can't remember the last time I've actually felt happy. Nothing's right and nothing's wrong. It doesn't make sense anymore. Nothing does. It's... it's just not worth the trouble to wake up and pretend everything's normal with me when it's not. I'm just... not happy. That's the only way I know how to say it. I can't describe what I feel. I can't make you understand. I don't even know if I understand it. I don't want your help, though. I can deal with whatever this is on my own."

The next day, Brett didn't come down for breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Worried, his mom went up to his room to check up on him. Upon entering the room, she found her eldest soon lying on the floor in the corner, curled up in the fetal position under his comforter, a bottle of pills clutched in his left hand.
Brett's mom bit down a scream before she ran over to his side and knelt besides him, tears welling up in her blue eyes. Briefly, he opened his eyes, just enough to get a glimpse of her before they shut again. A small smile graced his lips as he whispered, "It's okay, Mom... I didn't... I couldn't..." Tears flowed freely down his mother's face now as she knelt to hug him, becoming more determined than ever to get down to the source of his problems.

What caused this-- Brett had his cellphone with him at all times when he was in his room. After he told his parents what was wrong with him, some of his old friends called, demanding to see him and talk with him, telling him that what he was going through was "nothing important" and that "it wouldn't matter in a few days". Brett, of course, was already depressed, but hearing his friends so blatantly disrespect his feelings and himself just set him over the edge, so much that he seriously considered suicide. He didn't go through with it, though. He knew his parents would kill him if he did.

Brett's mother arranged for a meeting with a therapist for the next day. An "emergency", she had called it, telling the lady on the other end of the phone of her meeting with Brett yesterday in his room.
After meeting with the therapist, Brett was diagnosed with clinical (major) depression. He was placed on pills to help him overcome his feelings of anxiety, worthlessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred. Slowly, he began to perk up and become more like himself with each passing day. By the end of the summer, he was back to his old self and working hard to get back in shape for sports.

He still has his down days, like every other person, though. Some days, however, he feels so alive, so much like his old self that he can believe that it never happened in the first place.
That's always his biggest mistake, thinking that it never happened, that he's better.
He won't take his pill the next day or more. And he'll slowly spiral downwards, becoming more and more depressed until something sets him over the edge. That's when someone realizes he hasn't been taking his medication and forces him to start retaking it again.

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