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 {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?}

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small flare-;

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{How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} Empty
PostSubject: {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?}   {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 5:13 pm

Ignore the lame excuse for a cool title. xP (and, if you are wondering, those are lyrics from "How Does It Feel" by Avril Lavigne)

Okay, so, I don't have Amanda's history typed up yet, but I have all the necessary information. I'll update this when I get everything typed up~

*name;; Amanda Mindy Curtis
*pronunciation;; a - man - duh min - dee curt - iss
*nicknames;; Manda, Ammy, Ammy-kins, Manda-Panda, Am
*gender;; she goes to the girls' restroom.
*date of birth;; April 9th, 1994
*her eyes;; a light blue
*her hair;; a bright, golden blonde; straight until it gets near the ends, where it is slightly curled; drops a few inches below the shoulders.
*height;; 5'9 1/2"
*weight;; 133 pounds.
*orientation;; she only crushes on people of the male gender
*nationality;; 70% German, 30% French
*language;; Amanda's first language is English. Through classes, though, she has learned French and Spanish, and now she's trying to teach herself some German.
*accent;; Only have ever been living in the United States, Amanda has no exotic accent. Her accent is a bit of a mixture between a light Southern accent (from living in Kentucky for a few years of her life) and a dominant Northern accent (from living in Ohio and Pennsylvania for most of her life). The Southern half of her accent is so faint that you can't really detect it unless you're straining your ears and are actually trying to hear it.
*her family
Samantha Janette Curtis - mother. Died three years ago, when she was 37. 20% French, 80% German. Amanda was very close to her mother, as she often confided in her, and was devastated when she died.
Arnold Douglas Curtis - father. 44 years old. 60% German, 40% French. Amanda and him don't really get along. In fact, he often beats her for no reason. He has an extremely short temper. He works as an economist, but used to work as a computer software engineer.
Melissa Valorie Curtis - step-mother. 42 years old. Amanda hates her with a passion. She works as a real estate agent. She got divorced five years ago, and married Arnold just a year ago after they had been dating for approximately two years - which was around the time when Samantha had just died. Upon living in the same house with Arnold and his children, her three children also live there.
Amber Bailey Curtis - Amanda's only biological sibling. Amber is currently eleven years old and is a fifth grade student. Amanda gets along extremely well with Amber, and often comforts her after a beating from their father.
Sarah Ilene Curtis - step-sister. Currently 13 years old. She's a spoiled little brat who often gets Amanda in trouble.
Carly Patricia Curtis - step-sister. Currently nine years old. Unlike her biological sister, Sarah, she's nice and sweet, and gets along fine with Amanda.
Dylan Jeffrey Curtis - step-brother. Currently 14 years old. He gets along well with Amanda, even better than his biological sisters.
Note: Sarah, Carly, and Dylan originally had their biological father's last name (Fredrick), but after Melissa married Arnold, their last names got changed to Curtis. Melissa and Arnold have full custody over them, as their father was found to be mentally unstable.

*the big picture
Amanda's body build is lean and lanky. She's got the body of a runner - long strong legs, long flexible arms, and a slim, sturdy abdomen. Blonde hair dangles below her shoulders, ending in curls. It's that kind of bright, golden blonde, the kind that really comes alive in during a cloudless day, when the say's rays reflect off of it creating a brilliant light that seems to illuminate the space around her. Her eyes are a clear, light blue.

Amanda isn't exactly the most knowledgable when it comes to fashion - in fact, she's known for dreadful combinations, often wearing clashing colors. Mostly, she wears jeans with just any kind of t-shirt she can get to fastest. However, for special occasions, she makes sure she is wearing something nice and appropriate for whatever the event is. If it's a proper social gathering, she often wears a plain black or white dress. She really doesn't care much at all for makeup - she likes looking beautiful because of her actual looks - not because of some powdery material or face paint. She knows how to appreciate natural beauty, and thinks of makeup only as a last resort when having a bad beauty day, or for covering up pimples or blemishes.

Being born in the Northern United States, and growing up mostly in that area, Amanda never got a whole lot of sun for tanning. In fact, she really never enjoyed getting outside at all. Naturally, her skin is pale, and the lack of sunlight that she gets keeps it that way. Personally, she kinda likes her pale skin. She thinks it makes her hair and eyes pop out more, in a way, and make her a little bit more noticeable in a crowd. She's extremely tired of hearing people obsess over getting a tan, as it seems a lot of people do that, so she likes being outside of the box a bit.

Posture, Stance, and Gait;; Amanda can't help but sit straight - no matter where she's sitting or what she's sitting in. She has an incrdibly straight posture, one that you could call dignified. While sitting, she is conscious of how her back is aligned with the chair's back, but she is usually very comfortable with the way she sits. For her, slouching is just unnatural, and it causes her a lot of discomfort. It makes her feel a bit weird, too. Her gait is normal - she walks not too slow, but also not too fast. Her pace, in its own little way, is very dignified, proud, and graceful. It's the basic one foot after another, yet, it has its speed set to it, and almost seems like that princess kind of strut. Amanda really doesn't try to walk that way, it's just natural. Honestly, she knows she's far from a princess; she just chooses to walk dignified as a way to show herself as confident to other people, although she really isn't. It's just a shield to protect her, despite the fact that she is, indeed, vulnerable.

*the inside

Amanda is very withdrawn, shy, and slightly negative. You can put the blame on her father and step-mother. The beatings she has received many times from them caused her to become slightly fearful of other people. They wrecked her confidence, and made her faith in herself weak. She doesn't really talk to anybody besides her friends, unless she's talked to first. Her replies are often snappy or cold, as she doesn't really enjoy talking with a lot of other people, especially people her age. She's actually nice if you get to know her, but otherwise, it wouldn't be a good idea to talk to her. She's smart, making all A's, and she thinks deeply about most things, always trying to find the logic in them. She's usually irritated at school, as she finds herself constantly being annoyed by her classmates' immaturity. Some find her a little snobby because of this, and really, that's a bit true. Amanda is a bit vain in the fact that she considers herself more intelligent than ninety percent of her grade. The only people she really enjoys talking to are her friends, Amber, Carly, and Dylan. But the only one person who she trusts with her life is her best friend, Jennifer. Although the two are extreme opposites, they just seem to understand each other more than anyone else ever could. For that reason, Amanda feels as though she can tell her everything and anything. Other than that, she thinks of everyone else as untrustworthy.

[-] Quiet--;; Amanda generally keeps to herself. She often doesn't engage in any conversations unless she is spoken to first. Still, though, her replies are often short.

[+] Loyal--;; Amanda is loyal to her closest friends. She's not the kind of girl to use people and then ditch them to hang out with someone else. You can tell her a secret, and she'd never speak a word of it to anyone.

[-] Shy--;;
Amanda is extremely shy. Not just with other people her age - teachers and other adults, too! She's afraid to do classroom presentations or even read a paragraph from a text book. She just likes to blend in and not be seen.

[+] Sympathetic--;;
Despite the fact that Amanda often comes off as cold, she is quite sympathetic to others. She won't cry for you if your daddy decided he wasn't going to get you that cell phone you've been wanting for months, but when it comes to real tragic events, such as a close relative dying, she'll be there for you. She'll help you through the rough times and get you back on your feet.

[+ / -] Mature--;; Amanda knows how to deal with situations appropriately. She doesn't laugh at silly things or do anything stupid. While many would consider this a positive trait, it can be negative. Because of her maturity, she often doesn't get the humor of her classmates' sick, gross, or immature jokes. This often causes her to be an outcast during social gatherings.

[+ / -] Honest--;; No matter who you are, Amanda will be straight-forward with you. If you ask her something, she won't sugar coat her answer and lie about anything; she's going to give you the honest-to-goodness truth. She just thinks there's no reason to lie. However, sometimes when offering advice or giving her opinion, she won't hold back on any of her thoughts, which can lead to some feelings being hurt. Of course, despite all this honesty, Amanda does have her secrets...

[+] Indepedent--;; Amanda is able to deal with her own problems and do her own work. She doesn't need anyone picking up her slack. In school, she does better working with herself rather than working with a group.
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burning torch**

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{How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} Empty
PostSubject: Re: {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?}   {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 2:38 pm

Ehr.. how old is she?
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small flare-;

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{How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} Empty
PostSubject: Re: {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?}   {How does it feel}Amanda{To be}Mindy{different}Curtis{from me?} I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 2:39 pm

*pokes DOB*
She's a little over 15.
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burning torch**

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