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 {Elliott Tanner Reynolds--

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Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28

{Elliott Tanner Reynolds-- Empty
PostSubject: {Elliott Tanner Reynolds--   {Elliott Tanner Reynolds-- I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 3:53 pm

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{Elliott Tanner Reynolds-- Wc1gk2


Name--; Elliott Tanner Reynolds
Pronunciation--; Ell-Ee-utt Tan-er Ren-ulds
Nickname{s}--; Ell, Elliott
Age--; Seventeen; Senior
Birthday--; January 11th
Nationality--; 55% Italian, 45% English
Orientation--; Straighter than a ruler. And staying that way.
Hair Color--; Dark Brown; Chocolate
Eye Color--; Dark Blue/Green; Ocean
Easton Taylor Reynolds -- twin brother; 17 years old
Rebecca Pauline Reynolds -- mother; 46 years old
Forrest Charles Reynolds -- father; 47 years old

On the Outside...

Looking In...

[-] Show off -- Elliott enjoys being the center of attention, and will do anything to keep the eyes on him. If he knows someone is watching him, he'll usually do something random, whether it be breaking into song, doing a little jig in the hallway, or casting a cocky smile their way.
[-] Chatterbox -- Elliott likes to talk. To be more specific, he likes to gossip. He likes to chat about the latest rumors, anything that will boost his popularity.
[+] Hardworking -- Elliott Tanner Reynolds strives to be the best he can be, and works hard to fulfill his dreams. He lets nothing get in his way, and does everything he can to be his ultimate best. He's on the school's baseball team with his brother. Working hard, he gets most of his homework done, as well as other recreational hobbies.
[+] Optimistic -- Elliott is the type of guy to see the glass as half-full, and lets nothing tear him down. He works to see the bright side of situations, whether they be good or bad.
[+/-] Independent -- Elliott is an independent sort of guy, and says he needs no help from others. He likes working alone in his schemes - whatever they may be - and prefers there to be no one at his side.
[-] Troublemaker -- Elliott gets into trouble often. He isn't afraid to make a rude comment to teachers, other students, adults, children, or even the elders. He gets himself into trouble in school on occasion, whether it be because he yelled at a teacher, or threw something at them when they weren't looking. He's been to detention thrice, and because of this his baseball coach is threatening to kick him off the team, even if he is one of the best pitchers the team has.


Born just 7 minutes after his brother, Elliott Tanner Reynolds was born in the small hospital of Ohio. His brother was born 7 minutes before, both born 2 weeks premature. They two boys stayed in the hospital for a week, while the doctors and nurses worked to help their lungs and other vital organs function. The two were released from the hospital a week later, and they grew up in their cozy Ohio home. Elliott has led a normal life, compared to that of his brother's. When his family discovered Easton's ability, he was too young to comprehend it, but at a later age, his parents explained it. It's a well-kept secret of the Reynolds family, and they'd prefer it stayed that way, as Easton was one of the five people diagnosed with said condition.

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