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 {Easton Taylor Reynolds--

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lit match

Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28

{Easton Taylor Reynolds-- Empty
PostSubject: {Easton Taylor Reynolds--   {Easton Taylor Reynolds-- I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 3:52 pm

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{Easton Taylor Reynolds-- Nwefdw


Name--; Easton Taylor Reynolds
Pronunciation--; East-on Tay-lor Ren-olds
Nickname{s}--; East, Easton
Age--; Seventeen; Senior
Birthday--; January 11th
Nationality--; 55%English, 45% Italian
Orientation--; Straighter than a ruler. And staying that way.
Hair Color--; Dark brown; Chocolate
Eye Color--; Brown/Green; Olive
Elliott Tanner Reynolds -- twin brother; 17 years old
Rebecca Pauline Reynolds -- mother; 46 years old
Forrest Charles Reynolds -- father; 47 years old

On the Outside...

Looking In...

[+] Hardworking -- Easton works hard to achieve his dreams, and lets nothing get in his way. Being on three school teams - baseball, football, and basketball - he has a truckload of things to take up his time, and needs nothing more. He finds time for his homework, cheating off his brother or friends when he has to.
[+/-] Adventurous -- Easton likes to explore things he hasn't before, and is often found climbing up a hill comprised of small rocks.
[+] Courteous -- Generally, Easton is a kind, caring teenager. When out in public, he'll hold the door open for the person behind him, or someone who's in the middle of the parking lot coming into the building. Patiently, he'll wait for them while he holds the door. He's as sweet as can be, and truly cares about the people he loves.
[+/-] Quiet -- He's a shy fellow, and doesn't talk often, for fear of spilling his unusual ability. Sometimes a question is thrown his way, and his condition automatically speaks for him, words flying out of his mouth as he describes last Wednesday. He stops himself before the person catches on, adding, "sorry, I just had a ton of fun that day," in a quiet tone.


Born just 7 minutes before his brother, Easton Taylor Reynolds was born in the small hospital of Ohio. His brother was born 7 minutes later, both born 2 weeks premature. They two boys stayed in the hospital for a week, while the doctors and nurses worked to help their lungs and other vital organs function. The two were released from the hospital a week later, and they grew up in their cozy Ohio home. At the age of 7, Easton was diagnosed with a rare condition: Hyperthymesia. At first, his parents just thought it was such a memorial day and Easton decided to cherish the day forever, but as the child droned on, they realized it was something much more complex.

"Easton, did you have a good day yesterday with Mr. Todd while your Daddy and I were out?"
"Yes, Mommy. It was a sunny day yesterday. When we got up, he fixed us breakfast - cereal and milk - and we watched the weather for a bit."
"Oh really? And what did it say?"
"It was 85 degrees, and slightly windy. There was a 10 percent chance of rain, but that never came. After we ate, we got dressed and went to the zoo."
By now, his mother was fascinated. He had recalled everything in sequence order, something she didn't know he was capable of doing.
"We saw tigers, and lions, and bears, and penguins, and monkeys, and meerkats..." Easton continued to reel off every animal the trio had visited.

Amazed, his mother recalled the conversation to her husband, Forrest, who was concerned with the boy's health after hearing this. The two took their children to the hospital for a diagnosis - they felt it better to get them both checked over. The doctor quickly told them that Elliott was normal, nothing important showed up on their monitors. Rebecca and Forrest sighed in relief. Now it was Easton's turn. The doctors checked him over, asked him a few simple questions, and asked his parents, as well. They finally came to their conclusion: Easton was one of the few people in the world diagnosed with Hyperthymestic Syndrome, a condition where the individual affected has a superior autobiographical memory. Seeing the confused look on the Reynolds' faces, the doctor elaborated. This meant that Easton could recall events that he had personally experienced.

"A hyperthymestic person can be asked a date, and describe the events that occurred that day, what the weather was like, and many seemingly trivial details that most people would not be able to recall. They often can recall what day of the week the date fell on, but are not calendrical calculators as people with autism or savant syndrome sometimes are; the recall is limited to days on a personal "mental calendar". The mental calendar association occurs automatically and obsessively.{Wiki}"

Easton doesn't like others to know this, for fear of being teased, or being asked multiple questions to test him. In fact, no one outside of his family knows of his ability...yet.

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