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 {stephen lane cadwell*

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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 3:11 pm

{stephen lane cadwell* 29f76kj

name : Stephen Lane Cadwell
Stee-ven Layne Kad-well
nickname : Steve, if anything. When he and Michelle were younger, they called each other "Stevie" and "Mickey," it was easier to pronounce. Now its reserved for Michelle only.
age : Seventeen, please
birthday : July fourth, good ol' Independence Day!
hair : Stephen's hair is dirty blond and easily turns green from chlorine. The furthest point his hair has grown is just past his ears, on his neck. He'll spend five to seven minutes in front of the mirror in the morning, messing up his hair, especially the front. This exposes dark roots. His eyebrows are darker as well.
eyes : Stephen's eyes are a greenish blue, which differ from Michelle's blue/gray eyes. Lighter flecks mostly dapple his the dark sea green appearance. His pupils are dark, but not very. His eyes are the kind you could look into and get lost. {cheap, I know.}
facial : Steve has the start of a goatee going on his chin. He shaves off the rest, so basically all that's there is his little mini goatee thing.
orientation : Straight
nationality : 50% German, 40% Australian, 10% Swedish
family :
Lucas James Cadwell, father
Krista Lauren Cadwell, mother
Michelle Marie Cadwell, fraternal twin sister

Stephen, unlike Michelle, has a pretty good relationship with his parents. Usually he'll talk about his day the nights they actually eat together. If not, he'll talk to them anyway. Sometimes, though, they do get a little chatty and he just wants to tell them to shut up but keeps his cool.
His relationship with Michelle however, is very strong. If you see Michelle, there's a good chance Stephen's near by and vice versa. That's not always the case, but around seventy percent of the time it is. They're the best of friends, siblings, everything. Sure, a little argument might break out but usually its put behind them and forgotten within a day.


Stephen is an even six foot and considers himself tall. When the twins were younger, Michelle was always a few inches taller than him. Their parents always teased them Stephen would be taller one day, but neither believed it. Well, they should have. Stephen hit a growth spurt and seemed to grow an inch a month. Soon, he was taller than Michelle by about four inches. He always teases her about it now. As for weight, he's about 177 pounds, not overweight at all.

His dirty blond hair a dark, sea green eyes match well with his ecru colored skin. It seems to run in the family, the sensitive skin. He can't go out in the sun for too long with no sunscreen before he's burnt to a crisp. Rather, a bright red and cranky Stephen. Much like any other teenager, he has his fair share of blemishes. He hides them the best he can and washes his face daily. Stephen's build is long, lanky, thin, all of the words mentioned. He tried out of the basketball team once, knowing it wasn't really his thing. He was almost accepted when he tripped and sprained his ankle pretty bad. He was more than grateful only the coach was there.

Like his sister, fashion's no biggie. The whole family procrastinates with the laundry so once everyone's out of clean shirts, rock, paper, scissors it is. That means, very rarely will you see Stephen wear the same shirt within a two week period. Most of his shirts are polo or striped and he's got a bunch of jeans and sweats. Some tennis shoes and he's pretty much set for the day.

His posture isn't the greatest, Steve slumps when he's sitting. He was always warned about being a hunchback when he was younger. It worried him for a little until he forgot it then just went back to his bad posture. However, his back is quite straight when standing. He's a fast walker, too. He'll be walking with some friends and look over and they're a yard behind him. His running speed doesn't so much differ from his walking speed. It might be that it seems slow because he's a fast walker, he doesn't care.


Stephen can act very different from his normal self. He has... one and a half sides. The half is quieter and shy, which can easily be scraped away to find the more loose Stephen.

{+} humorous- Stephen's usually making a joke about something. He's not afraid to laugh at his own jokes either. His jokes are usually funny. The other times, he starts to figure them out out loud and it just sort of loses the funny and somehow you just instantly lose interest, you can't help it. He'll just walk up to something and somehow make it funny.
{+/-} protective- This is only dug out when a close friend or family member is hurt or people are fighting. He gets very defensive and serious but somehow he can still brighten up easily. Its a little frightening if you're not used to it, like you would not expect it at all from him.
{+} crazy- He's always full of energy and doing some of the most crazy things. He's creative like that but just doesn't seem to apply that in schoolwork. He wakes up early all the time and within ten minutes everyone's been attacked and woken up by Stephen.
{-} removed/quiet- This is part of his half side. Sometimes he's just suddenly missing. Like all the personality has been drained out of him and its just some not Stephen person. He'll do this when he's uncomfortable or with an enemy.
{-} anger- This could be misinterpreted. He's not angry all the time, just when he's upset or angry, he gets very frustrated and it comes on sudden. He'll start up arguments from anything and shoot back a firey retort. Angry Stephen is not a good Stephen, angry Stephen is the Stephen a lot of people want to stay away from. So far, Michelle is the only person who knows how to handle this.


Stephen was born at 12:37 pm, five minutes after his fraternal twin sister, Michelle Marie Cadwell, was born. They were born at the Charleston Hospital in South Carolina, near their home of Kiawah Island. Kiawah is a beautiful place. Beaches make up its edges which are semi crowded. Jellyfish and horseshoe crabs are often washed up on the beach and even sharks and stingrays have been caught by fishers. Further inland, there are many swamps where alligators, birds and many bugs live. Biking and walking paths cover the island, as well as vacation and actual homes.
The twins each found their own interests. While Michelle began climbing, Stephen preferred staying on the ground by the ocean or riding his bike. He'd slather on sunscreen and then spend a day at the beach, watching and recording information about the marine life there. He often volunteered to go get a few groceries at the general store on his bike.
To the twins' dismay, they were suddenly torn from their island home to move to a landlocked state. He often remembers the sound of the crashing waves against the shore or the calming cicada sounds to fall asleep to. Seeing the alligator's heads poking out of the swamps or building a sand castle, it felt like paradise.

Last edited by clear on Sat May 09, 2009 8:56 pm; edited 7 times in total
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 3:13 pm

They're 50% German now.. you can pick the other half. x3
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 3:50 pm

I did. (:
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 4:10 pm

Yayy.~ Akai. I changed Mickey's to match that. :3
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 5:31 pm

Nice picture. (:

This new layout is impossible to read. XD
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lit match

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 2:36 pm

o.o; No it isn't? I find it quite easy to read.
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 7:44 pm

Uh, okay then.
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 2:14 pm

Starrehh can read it. :3
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lit match

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 7:40 pm

I really like the whole {+} and {-} thing. It makes sure that there are no mary-sues/gary-stus.

I have quite a big problem with them and believe really and truly that they should all DIE. Twisted Evil

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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 8:16 pm

xDD Dun forget Bella Swan, Moonyy.
She's a mary-sue is I ever saw one.
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 9:28 pm

Stephen has a lot more minuses than pluses. XD
I had another plus, but forgot it. xD
Since he's based off me, shall I put forgetful?
Just kidding... too complicated.

My chainsaw is also reserved for Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus. |cough; VK members; cough*

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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 9:44 pm

I use my poisons and my flame skills to get rid of Mary Sues and Gary Stus. Twisted Evil

Who do you think made that smiley, Clear?
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 1:11 pm

Starr or you...

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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:02 pm

Guess again?

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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:04 pm

Holleh? Blizz?

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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:08 pm

I iz not tell youss. They'll have to tell you themselves..

And I see a new piccie. o:
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:09 pm

Then why'd I guess for you?

Yes. I had to change it to try and fit the dirty blond thing. x)
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:22 pm

Wait.. I'm lost.
I said I can't answer for them, not that you couldn't guess them. xPP

Ohh. I see.
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:23 pm

Nevermind then.

17 days until summer for me! =DDD
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:24 pm

Fine, I'll confess. xP
I made the smiley.
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:26 pm

Ten days for Starr. d=
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:27 pm

Lucky duck. ): Atleast our school wasn't closed because of the swine, then it'd be longer. =/

Heyo, Holleh. How do you make smileys?
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:29 pm

You have to have access to the admin panel...
And you upload an image and all that and give a code for it.
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small flare-;

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:30 pm

And I'm assuming I cannot do that. (:
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burning torch**

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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 12:34 pm

Lucky here, too. o:
'Cause we have exams the last week of school, too.
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{stephen lane cadwell* Empty
PostSubject: Re: {stephen lane cadwell*   {stephen lane cadwell* I_icon_minitime

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