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 michelle marie cadwell--;

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burning torch**

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PostSubject: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:27 pm

michelle marie cadwell--;
michelle marie cadwell--; Hvqm51
the greatest tragedy is not death;;
but the inability to follow your dreams.

Basic Information;;

Name--; Michelle Marie Cadwell
Pronounced--; Mich-elle Mah-ree Cad-well
Nickname--; When she and her fraternal twin brother were younger, they called eachother "Mickey" and "Stevie", as it was easier for them to pronounce.
Age--; Seventeen
Birthday--; Fourth of July
Gender--; Female, of course.
Eye colour--; Mainly light blue, although they are rimmed and flecked with shades of dark and light gray.
Hair colour--; Dirty blonde, with some darker strands weaving themselves in amoung the base colour. She mostly wears it in a low ponytail, although she'll wear it higher when she's climbing or hiking.
Orientation--; Straighter than a ruler.
Nationality--; 50% German, 40% Australian, 10% Swedish
Lucas James Cadwell - Father
Krista Lauren Cadwell - Mother
Stephen Lane Cadwell - Fraternal twin brother

Michelle, while she is quite close with her twin, isn't that close with her parents. They're just her parents, loving her because they have to, not because they choose to. The same could go with Stephen, she guesses, but they're friends, right? It's not like she forces him to hang out with her after-school. He does it by choice, just as she hangs out with him by choice. They're best of friends and siblings, which is fine by Michelle.


Michelle, although tall for her age, doesn't meet the height of her brother's six foot. Instead, she stands just below five-foot-eight-inches, just a few inches shorter than him-- Which she despises when she was taller than him when they were growing up. Despite her height, she weighs only one hundred and fifty-three-ish (153ish) pounds -- Although most of this is muscle. The reason behind this is that she refuses to gain any bit of weight, as it may unbalance her when she is climbing or hiking... or atleast, that's her hypothesis. With her lean build and long reach, Michelle can easily pull herself quickly up a rock-wall. Her legs are long, letting her cover the ground more quickly than her shorter-legged classmates. Her arms and legs are toned for climbing and hiking, although one probably wouldn't be able to tell this, as she likes to wear her black or navy fleece cover-up and her slightly baggy, faded, blue-jeans.

She's just not as fashion-savvy as other girls her age are. Frankly, she just doesn't see the importance in dressing up or wearing make-up. It's just not her thing. She's happy in a loose tee-shirt and jeans, no matter if they're torn and dirty or not. For shoes, she just wears a pair of black tennis shoes. Usually, she'll stock her backpack with some of her older climbing gear, so it doesn't matter if it gets slightly damaged on her way from school to the rocks. More times than not, she'll go climbing after school, whether it be at the local rock gym or actually climbing some real rocks, she's always prepared.

Michelle's face is heart-shaped, and the skin that covers it is pale despite the hours she spends under the sun. The reason behind that? She slathers on sunscreen before she goes outdoors for long periods of time, as instead of tanning, she burns under the sunlight. She doesn't really care if she gets slightly sunburned, as she knows that's as "tan" as she'll ever come to being. Often enough, she'll have a slightly ruddy appearance, her blue/gray eyes standing out more than usual in her slightly-redder face. Her eyes, which are a shade of blue/gray, are typical for most blondes. Sure, her hair is darker now, but she had been almost a platinum blonde when she was younger. As she had aged, Michelle's hair naturally grew darker.

Although she slumps while she sits, Michelle actually has a very straight posture when she's standing. Usually, she'll stand with her feet close together or even (even, as in, that edge is even.) with her shoulders, her hands clasped behind her back or fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She just doesn't know what to do when she's standing still, as she's a slightly twitchy person who has to be doing something with thier hands most of the time. She's a fairly fast walker, as she doesn't like to keep in place-- Which is something she picked up from rock-climbing. Whenever she stays in place on the rocks, she finds it harder to get moving again, as her muscules would have stiffened. She climbs at a slightly fast pace as well, pausing just enough to look around to plot her next few moves out before putting them into action. During hiking, however, she walks slower than she normally does, pausing every now and then to revel in the wilderness around her.


Michelle rarely opens her mouth to speak with anyone, therefore many who chance a meeting with her would often call her "too quiet" or "shy". Michelle, though, doesn't think that she's shy. She talks to people when she's spoken to, right? Well, then how is that considered shy? Just because she doesn't feel like being loud all of the time doesn't mean that she's shy. It may just mean she doesn't feel like making a fool out of herself every day of her life. Yes, she's calling everyone else a fool. Frankly, she doesn't think they're worth her time-- But it's not like she'd tell them that. She'd just as soon bite her tongue off than tell them what she really thinks of them. There's that "shy" side coming out again-- No one ever knows what she's really thinking, what with the little emotions she chooses to show.

[-/+] Trust Issues--; Mickey has trouble trusting others, hence the "Trust Issues". She's prone to being slightly snappish and sarcastic when others talk to her, as she's slightly fearful of letting them become her friend. Why? One could say she's afraid of revealing her panic disorder to more than she thinks should know. Or that she's afraid of setting off a panic attack and nobody would know what to do to help her calm down. The one good side to these trust issues, she supposes, is that it makes her uninclined to hang out with the wrong crowd.
[-] Shy/Quiet--; As Michelle has problems trusting others, it has caused her to withdraw into herself, thus making her appear as the typical quiet student sitting alone.
[+/-] Independant--; As Michelle is shyer and quieter than most students are, she finds it hard to work in a group. Instead, she prefers to work by herself. She knows she can get the job done, and do it even better than she would if she were in a group. Sure, there's some things that require her to make a group effort-- like rock-climbing, what with the belayers-- but those are things she doesn't mind doing. Those things, in her mind, have a set purpose. And, as a bonous, they don't even have to talk to accomplish what needs to be done.
[-] Temper--; Like most people, Michelle has a temper, although it may take a long time for her to lose her calm. Her fuse is long and burns slowly, but as it does that it gives it a longer time for the problem to come more severe, therefore when her fuse finally reaches the end.. it's not that pretty. She's been known to hold grudges for insane amounts of time, no matter how many times one says that they're sorry. She may forgive them, though. It just depends on what the situation was.
[-/+] Obsessive--; Michelle is slightly obsessive. Once she starts something, she just can't stop. Or she must be forced to quit and take a break -- Of course, that's after she's been assured atleast fifteen times that she'll get to finish whatever it is that she was doing. If there isn't anyone to force her to stop, though, Michelle will keep on going until she's completed it.
[-] Defiant--; Michelle has been known to "resist authority figures". Maybe not how most people would imagine someone resisting one, but she resists them, nonetheless. Basically, she'll just ignore them and sit/stand there. Not looking anywhere; Not even moving a muscle. Even when they threaten her with ISS/Detention/Suspension, she doesn't even flinch. Maybe it's because she can't hear them. Or maybe she just doesn't care. Whatever it is, Michelle becomes unresponsive. There are only two people who are able to "contact" her when she becomes like this: Stephen and Margaret.
[+] Optimist--; Always focusing on the highlights of her life, Michelle could be considered an optimist. She just doesn't see the point in dwelling on the low points when all they do is make her feel depressed. The glass is always half full for Michelle, even when it's nearing empty.
[-] Naive/Gullible--; Naive may not be the correct term, but it's the closest thing that works. As Michelle is an optimist, she often likes to believe in the best in others -- No matter how many times they repeatedly prove that they're not a good person. They just have to tell her "I'll change!" and she instantly believes them. Yes, Michelle is quite gullible. One can prove it by asking her to look at the ceiling to see if the word "gullible" is written there. Michelle'll look up, most of the time. She's fallen for this trick many times over, along with many other combinations of the same trick.
[+] Adventerous--; Michelle is always up for a challenge, no matter how big or small it may be. Things like climbing up a building with no harness, or even dropping down fifteen feet to land on a rock jutting out from the side of a cliff, are just a few of the crazy stunts she's pulled in a dare. As she does have an adventerous side, she loves exploring new areas in the woods near thier home. Or even trying to find a new route up one of the more difficult rock walls. It's all second-nature for her.
[-] Stereotypical--; No matter how hard she tries not to, Michelle often ends up slapping a label on people. It's not that she means to -- because she doesn't -- it just... happens. She can't even explain it. She just does it, maybe subconciously. When she tries to explain it, the only thing Michelle can come up with is: "If the rest of the world labels me, I'm going to label them."


Michelle Marie Cadwell was born on the Fourth of July at 12:32pm, just five minutes before her fraternal twin brother, Stephen Lane Cadwell, was born. They were born at Charelston Hospital since their parents lived on Kiawah Island - a swampy but beachy island off the coast of South Carolina. While there, Michelle grew fond of the waters surrounding the island, the cliffs that edged the island, and the hills that made up the island. By the time she was eight, she was climbing these cliffs and exploring the trails that ran along the waterside. Quite to her complete bewilderment, she was ripped from her home when she was ten years old, when they moved from Kiawah to a land-locked state. She misses the saltwater beaches and sandy cliffs.

" I always loved the sandy island of Kiawah Island, just off South Carolina's coast. It was so amazing to live there, to see the ocean everyday, crashing against the sandy cliffs. Of course, the sandy cliffs weren't just pretty to look at. They were fun to climb, too. I think I climbed them everyday, or atleast went hiking to the top of them. It was fun, exhilariting. There was nothing in the world to compare with it-- Even now that we've moved inland, where there are some harder things for me to climb now. You just can't beat the feel of the wind tugging at you, with it's salty-smelling tang filling the air, while the crash of waves resounds below you. I guess you could say that I thought it was magical. Just.. the feeling of climbing, knowing that I was doing something that not many other people my age did. So yeah, I felt pretty darn special, 'specially when I made it to the top of a cliff and looked down at the world around me... I felt.. I dunno, I guess happy. Happier than I've been in a long time, atleast since my parents decided to move us inland, near the South Carolina-Georgia border. I miss Kiawah, it was my home.. for the first ten years of my life, anyways. I loved it there, it was the one place where I fit in. I'll never forget Kiawah, even if it forgets me..."

Last edited by Starrz on Tue May 26, 2009 3:00 pm; edited 6 times in total
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burned out;;

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:42 pm

Awesome! She really is a lot like you!
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:43 pm

Yeah, I know. XD
We're going to need more loud characters.. 'specially since shy people are so uncommon. XD
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:46 pm

Dun worry, Starr, I'm gonna post Jenny in a moment...
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:47 pm

/hides Rylan- x33
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 6:50 pm

Reading this, I feel the need to re-do Stephen.

And for your obsessive section, isn't that called determination? XD
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 2:19 pm

xDD Lawl. Do whatever you want with Stepehn. He's yer charrie. Not Starr's.

And, nuh.
Determination, in my eyes, is being "I WILL DO THIS!" And then sometimes you don't do it.
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PostSubject: Re: michelle marie cadwell--;   michelle marie cadwell--; I_icon_minitime

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