Il Lato Libero --x {ILL}
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 It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...

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small flare-;

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere in Pennsylvania.

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PostSubject: It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...   It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 5:04 pm

It's Holleh. x3
So... Hello.
I am Holleh, as I have stated...
And yes, spell it exactly like that.
I'm only Holly to my real life friends and other people in the real world.
Holleh is my Internet alter ego. x3
You see, I'm super shy and quiet and real life, though I try not to be a pushover.
Here, I'm absolutely crazy.
I get hyper bursts from Mountain Dew, my second favorite drink. My first one would be chocolate milk.
So, anyway...
I'm a role player, a writer, blah, blah...
I'm a neat person, I like to think. =3
You just gotta get to know me.

And I know I'm young, as that 'young and naive' age of 13. Well, um, yeah, here's the thing: Age is just a number that marks how long you've been alive. I mean, seriously. Sure, it's easy to make me laugh, but I'm really in depth. I try to find the good in people, but sometimes it's hard to do, you know. And I live somewhere in Pennsylvania... Yeah. Oh, and I'm in seventh grade. It's a pretty cool grade. x3

Let's see...
So yeah, like I said, I role play and write.
I think I'm pretty good, but certainly not the best.

I'm pretty cool once you get to know. ^^
And yes, I have a habit of repeating stuff that I've mentioned before.

Oh~! My birthday is on Christmas Day. =)
And at 3:23 PM, to be exact.
So, that makes my complete birth date: December, 25th, 1995, at 3:23 PM

And, I think that's it.
If I have something more to add, I will.
Or you can ask questions.
Either works. x3

So... Yeah... That is me.
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...   It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 5:06 pm

Aha! That's so long, Holleth! o:
Maybe it's because you kept hitting the enter button.. /snickers-
I'm guilty, too, though.
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...   It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 5:09 pm

=DDDD You has the same birffday as JeZuss...
Hi. This is me. ^.^
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small flare-;

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere in Pennsylvania.

It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...   It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 5:13 pm

Haii, Moony. ^^
Nice to meet you~ =)

And yesh, I do. x)
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PostSubject: Re: It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy...   It's a Sugar Rush... It's Crazy... I_icon_minitime

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