Il Lato Libero --x {ILL}
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 Just a point of light in the sky...

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burning torch**

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Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 4:37 pm

Allo there. x3
I'm Starr/z, as you may very well have guessed.
And if you didn't guess, now you know fer sure, dood. :3
Ehr.. okay. Now I'm out of ideas of what to put here.
I got as far as "Greeting, Name.." and I blanked. .-.
Oh, no. I got it!~ I'm Starr. :3
Yes, Starr. And I pwn you. Don't forget that. x3
And if you're some freak who happens to think "pwn" means some... other, not so nice.. word, then just leave. Please. I don't need to deal with any trouble-makers. I'm just here to roleplay with my buddies-- You guys know who you are. x33

Oh, yes. Off-topic.
That's my speciality.. sometimes. Not really. I like to stay on one topic for forever, while everyone else has already switched. It irks me. It's like, stay on one subject for one minute, pleasums!

I'm fourteen, and pretty much luffing it. I have more freedoms than I had before.. and it's just great. I hit high school next year, so that should tell you what grade I happen to be in. If you don't know, it's eighth. x3 And, unlike all those other people, I'm mature for my age. I don't giggle at random jokes or randomly smack people's butts. Well, I guess you could say I'm introverted. But oh-no! No one else in my grade knows what that word means! Seriously. They didn't even know what "inquiring" meant. .-. Doesn't that say something about my school? C;

Anyways. I'll stop ranting. This is an introduction for meh, not for my school...

Again, I'm Starr. Not one r. Two. Don't ebuurr forget the second one, or I won't answer you. However, if you knew me before I added the second r, than leaving it off is fine. I know it's confusing, but.. hey! That's Starr for you!~
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 4:55 pm

Moony has a queeztion. What if we put...
THREE R's?? Starrr.....
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 4:57 pm


Three r's or other varietions are fine. xPP
Starrz, Starreh, Starrehh, Starrer/z..
You get the point.
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 5:25 pm

You most definitely stoled my idea for a "z"
Sumtimes I iz Moonz. But tha'z okays, I be willing to share a "z" with you.
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 6:08 pm

Starr did nots. Dx
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 6:16 pm

Nu-uuhhrr, you most asuredly(SP?) did not... has had a "z" for like....... uhmm.... *thinks*.... a long time. xD
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 6:27 pm

xDD I dids so... online, atleasts. x3
And you didn't neithers. Starr wants proofs.
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Just a point of light in the sky... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 7:01 pm

Yeh, well I got the proofs! It's written on some science papers that I have in my backpack
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 7:07 pm

>.>;; /shiftyeyes;steals-
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PostSubject: Re: Just a point of light in the sky...   Just a point of light in the sky... I_icon_minitime

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