Il Lato Libero --x {ILL}
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 Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not?

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Should I make Felix a character?
Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? I_vote_lcap100%Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? I_vote_rcap
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Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? I_vote_lcap0%Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? I_vote_rcap
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Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? Empty
PostSubject: Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not?   Felix -- Make Him a Character or Not? I_icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 3:11 pm

Okay, so Felix is a character who I have in this one short story, and Starr insists that I make him a character on here.

We do kinda need more boys, I think, but I'm gonna let you guys decide.

Okay, so Felix is kinda short for his age (he's about 15, I think) with shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes.

And as for personality... He's harsh, usually coming off as bitter or 'mean', although he thinks of it as being mature. That being said, his sense of humor isn't the typical teenager kind. His humor is more wit and sometimes sarcasm than anything. He's realistic, and doesn't make anything to be more of a big deal than it is. However, if you can manage to get on his 'good list', you will see a much nicer side of him.

Oh, and Felix isn't his real first name; he just chooses to go by it because he hates his real name.

So that's Felix in a nut shell.
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