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 {Lindsey Madison McCoy*

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Posts : 124
Join date : 2009-05-06
Age : 34
Location : texas...

{Lindsey Madison McCoy* Empty
PostSubject: {Lindsey Madison McCoy*   {Lindsey Madison McCoy* I_icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2009 4:12 pm

{Lindsey Madison McCoy* 2cnay45

name : Lindsey Madison McCoy
nickname : She doesn't go by nicknames often but sometimes people who don't know her may call her Linds, Linz, or Sey. She corrects them before they say anything else.
age : Sixteen
birthday : June twenty first
hair : Lindsey's hair is rather long, actually. It flows past her shoulders down just past the middle of her back. Its black, or maybe extremely dark brown because the straying ends look chocolate brown in the light, she's not sure. Lindsey's hair gets rather wild very quickly. It looks beautiful straight but she refuses to use hairspray.
eyes : Lindsey's eyes are dark brown. Actually, they're so dark her pupils are barely visible. Her eyes are somewhat intimidating to look into, there's something about them. Her emotions are hard to see through them. Lindsey doesn't love them at all, she calls them "bland" and "too dark." But there's something very different about them, like she knows something you don't.
orientation : Lindsey is generally straight, she's never felt feeling for another female. But she's not afraid to be a little bit too close to another female, as long as they don't smell. But yes, she prefers guys over girls ninety five percent of the time.
nationality : 80% African, 15% English, 5% Unknown
family :
Kendyl McCoy - biological mother
Kevin Adam McCoy - biological father - divorced, re-married
Derek Trevor Fitzgerald - step-father
Jocelyn Abigail McCoy - biological sister, 11
Evan Ross McCoy - biological brother, 7
Jennifer Melanie Fitzgerald - step-sister, 16
Nolan Kimball Fitzgerald - step-brother, 3, Max's twin brother
Maxwell Parker Fitzgerald - step-brother, 3, Nolan's twin brother

Lindsey is aware her family is quite large, at seven members. She is the oldest along with Jennifer. Much to her parent's luck, her and Jennifer get along amazingly. They're like best friends. Lindsey has spent a lot of her time working up her relationships with her step-siblings and even Jocelyn and Evan, her biological siblings. Lindsey is a little awkward around younger kids but is trying her best to get along well with the twins, Max and Nolan. Lindsey's relationship with her mother, Kendyl, has been iffy lately. They get along fine but Kendyl keeps pointing out how "teenager-ish" she is and Lindsey has the perfect excuse. Finally, Lindsey and Derek, her step father. She's secretly intimidated of him and tries to never act up with him near. She hasn't told anyone, not even Jennifer.


Lindsey is very short for her age, at a tiny 5'1", the height of Jocelyn, her eleven year old sister. She's not sure why she's so short, she's never even done gymnastics and her biological relatives are average to taller. She's nervous she'll never grow anymore and even though the future is somewhat bleak, her mother tries to reassure her she'll grow. Because of Lindsey's small structure, her weight is not much. She weighs approximately 108 pounds, last time she checked. She's not huge of exercise sadly. Her diet is well balanced, though. But usually if the weather's nice, you might find her riding a bike or playing with friends or her siblings outside.

Lindsey, as mentioned earlier, has black or very dark brown hair. Its very hard to tame and easily gets frizzy or greasy. She takes regular showers and uses conditioner to try to help. In the light, it has a brunette tint but any other time it looks black. Her eyes are dark, dark brown and are intimidating to look into and you'll suddenly notice you can't make eye contact for long... she's never really noticed, actually. Her skin is a dark, rich mocha hue. She gets extremely irritated with racist comments and gets a little upset when her social studies class covers slavery and segregation.

Lindsey is picky about her clothes in a way. She won't wear anything dirty, too small, old or anything that leaves large amounts of skin uncovered. Although, comfort is usually over appearance for her. She doesn't like to shop but the few times she gets, she'll do it even though she may not feel like it because she knows the opportunity won't come around again for awhile. Her closet varies, from sweats to jeans, from sweaters to tees. It really depends on the weather with her. Lindsey absolutely hates tying her shoes, so flip-flops when allowed and if not, slip-ons.

Lindsey is guilty of slumping; a lot, actually. When she thinks about it, she'll straighten her back up when sitting until it makes her feel uncomfortable or up-tight. She's a slow runner and medium paced walker. She tries to make sure she's at the same pace her friends are walking at so she doesn't walk ahead and miss the conversation.


{-} shy/quiet- Lindsey is unbelievably shy around adults or superiors. She blushes easily and it gets rather annoying to her. Why can't she be outgoing around adults like she is with her friends? She gets embarrassed easily, too. She dreads presenting in front of class, raising her hand, getting in trouble and anything of the sort. You see, Lindsey follows the rules very well and strict and is known for being a good student. The rare times she does break the rules, not anywhere near on purpose, she hates it. Its been a trait of hers ever since she was young.
{+} smart- Lindsey has always been advanced in academics, lagging extremely in sports. She's been in gifted and talented programs ever since she could remember. Because she can be so lazy at times, she'd rather just go with the flow and blend in and not possibly get put on the "advanced projects" some teachers love so much. She'd prefer to be understated, to have very few people know what she's really capable of. Lindsey is interested in the supernatural or things she can prove people wrong on, too. She's fascinated by some of the strangest things, like how your mind works.
{-} impatient- Lindsey cannot, nor could she ever, endure long waiting periods, or even short ones for that matter. Frustration is so beyond annoying to her it just makes her more and more frustrated. She tries to stay positive but its just so hard when her stupid teacher is walking over to the board like a slug and taking forever. Or talkative people, that just ramble on and on about something she doesn't care about. Unfortunately, since she's such a good listener, she finds it nearly impossible to tune anyone out.
{+} friendly- Lindsey is rather friendly to those who may be a good friend. The only this is she unintentionally sticks labels on people by their first impressions. She doesn't like a lot of people, and some of that is influenced by her friends. But to those who haven't allowed to her to immediately hate them have a good chance of getting a pretty good and loyal friend. Its corny, but its true.
{+} mature- Lindsey has always been more mature than most of the other kids. Sure, she's not so completely reserved she says nothing and takes seventy years to make her decisions. She's always up for a good laugh, or maybe even a crazy, what's-wrong-with-that-freak laugh. Sometimes she's the cause for those, other times she's not. But there's the old-soul thing going on with her. She knows when to shut up and listen or when you should, or can, talk.
{-} moody at times- You can call it dramatic, really. If you get Lindsey upset or angry, its a sudden storm of it. She gets very argumentative but her retorts are blinded by anger. It may sound strange, but at random times when she may be perfectly content, she'll just want to start a fight. The only exception is fighting that may risk losing a friend she's worked so hard to get and maintain. But seriously, Lindsey gets upset quite easily.


Lindsey's past was full of hurt feelings, confusion and a lot of patience and the will to explore she lacks.
She was born premature in Seattle on June 21st. She stayed in the hospital for two months, three to be safe. Her mother, Kendyl Fitzgerald, and father, Derek Trever Fitzgerald, were worried for awhile and kept returning to the hospital more than needed. When she was five, Jocelyn Abigail Fitzgerald was born. Then, four years later, Evan Ross Fitzgerald, her brother, was born. When the family returned home, Lindsey immediately noticed something was wrong with her father. It became more and more obvious. One night, she heard noises from her parents' room across the house. Muffled screams... Lindsey was horrified and ran into Jocelyn's room to go get Evan. They waited all night together in the dark until the morning. Their parents quickly divorced and that was the last they saw of Derek.
Two years later, Lindsey's mother began to date another man, Kevin Adam McCoy, with three children, Jennifer, Nolan and Max. They decided to tie the knot and the Fitzgeralds' converted their last name to McCoy.
They moved away from Seattle after getting enough spare money to do so.
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