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 Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie

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Posts : 67
Join date : 2009-05-05
Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie Empty
PostSubject: Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie   Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 9:11 pm

Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie 400_F_4887258_oCKZuocOT2rg3YlXY6fQLMyWVlS0hG8L

Danielle Jahnaye Ritchie (For those of you who can't read correctly, (Dan-yell Juh-nay Rich-ee)

Goes by: D.J. or Dani. She won't even notice you id you call her Danielle, not that she'd answer anyway.

Birthday: July 18, 1992

Eyes: Light brown with darker chocolate colored rings outlining her iris.
Hair: Very dark brunette color. So dark that it appears black at times. Dani's hair is mostly straight with waves in the under part of her hair that turn into large curls as they near the edge. The curls, when pulled tight, reach just past her shoulder-blades.
Facial: Dani has smooth, soft skin that seems to have slightly more melanin in it than most caucasians do. She has full, pink lips and dark eye lashes.
Height: Dani is pretty average for her height at 5'5". Most of the girls she knows are taller than her, but it doesn't bother her.
Weight/Body: She's quite average in this department as well. Dani is a sports addict thus she has a very athletic body. She plays rough and tough and her lean build and strong muscles reflect that.
Attire: Although Dani loves sports, she dresses rather fashionably. She's always matching her shoes to her earrings and loves to shop. However, she doesn't go for the frills and laces; she hates having to "dress up".

Boy, does she have an attitude. Dani is not the most affectionate person in the world. She is independent and does her own thing and doesn't mix with others very well. She barely talks during school, but isn't what you'd call shy. She gets ticked off real easily and has this problem with people, so naturally, she ignores them. There are few people in the world who Dani actually likes, one of them being Luna. Luna, oddly, can calm Dani down when she gets riled up and pissed off, which happens a lot with men. Most of the guys at Dani's school used to try over and over again to ask her out and she would promptly tear they're hearts out. She believes that men are useless and should die... they quickly caught on and now they won't come near her. (Vicious little chick, eh?)

D.J. loves the sports, as stated above, and her life revolves around them. That and animals. She desires to one day never marry, move into a house with a giant flat yard, buy ten billion cats and dogs and other animals, and teach them to play sports with her. Too bad she has to earn money to live. She is quite good at practically every sport and would play every sport if she had the time.

(Might add summore laytahh)

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