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 Daniel Odysseus Phrixos

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PostSubject: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 7:28 pm

"There is no such thing as the RIGHT or WRONG decision. there is only THE decision."

~Name: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos

~Age: 17

~Birthday: October tenth

~Gender: male

~Nicknames: He mostly goes by his middle name, so friends most of the time call him Odd, or if they’re joking, Odd Ball. When you first meet him, he’ll give you his full middle name and mentally laugh at your efforts to spell and pronounce it.

~Nationality: 25% Greek, 50% French, 25% Italian

~Family: Mother- Grace Marie Phrixos (Deceased) 60% Greek, 40% French
Father- James Derek Phrixos 30% Italian 70% French
Grandmother -mother‘s side (Deceased)- Rosaria Narcissus Phrixos 100% Greek
Stepmother - Alexis Dannie Phrixos 90% Italian 10% Hispanic
Half-sister: Jade Hanna Phrixos 60% Italian 10% Hispanic 20% French

~Personality: *Quiet: Its not that Odd is shy or anything, he just doesn’t talk if he doesn’t think its necessary . When teachers call on him, he gives the shortest answers possible, just enough to cover the basics. People think he’s snobbish and that he believes he’s to good to talk to them, but that’s not true at all. He wants you to prove you’re serious about talking to him by approaching him. If you do this enough, you may be able to hold a decent conversation with him.

*Calm and patient: Odd doesn’t lose his cool fast at all. If you’re bothering him, he’ll just shut you out and forget you’re there. He enjoys quiet places, such as a library or forest. He can be loud sometimes, but only with his friends.

*Independent: Odd is really independent. He once disobeyed a teacher and worked alone on the a semester project. He got an A and a week of detention. He’s been on his own nearly all his life and is use to it. If he does something with others, it will, with out a doubt, be with his friends.

*Wise: Odd has wisdom beyond his years, not knowledge. If you get them confessed, he’ll walk away from what ever you were trying to talk about. He learned everything he knows from his grandmother. Odd gives great advice on some things, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to understand what he’s saying

*Shows Respect Where Respect Is Due: He’ll show respect if you earn it. Even with his teachers, they’ll have to teach him something that he doesn’t know and is useful before he calls them by their last name. If you have a title, you have to prove to him that you deserve that title. The reason why is because of his father, which will be exampled later on.

Trust: Odd kind of has trust issues, but not that much. If he talks to you (meaning really talk. Not a one-sided conversation) a few times, then he trusts you.

*Kind and Loyal: Odd is nice, especially to his friends and little kids. He can give good advice when you need it and will even help you out with your problems if he can.

*Shuts People Out: If you’re not his friend, there is a very high chance that Odd will tune you out if you try to talk to him or about him. This makes it hard for him to make friends, but he’s not complaining. He can’t say he enjoys being an outcast, but it sure beats the heck out of being one of the ‘popular’ kids.

*Humor: He does laugh people! He is serious most of the time, but Odd does have a good sense of humor. He tells the occasional joke and is able to make people laugh at times.

~Best Trait: Loyal

~Worst Trait: Shuts people out

~Physical Aspect: Odd has somewhat wavy, chestnut brown hair that goes just a little below his ears and covers the back of his neck. His bangs cover the tops of his eyes and are usually brushed to one side. His cheekbones are high, like his mother’s. He has very dark green eyes that show his wisdom and long, black lashes that cover them. His skin is a light peach color from handing out in the shadows of the woods. He knows a lot about nature. More than most, but he’s second best when it comes to one of his friends (coughRevencough). Odd usually wears a leather jacket and dark clothes, making it easier to hide in the shadows.
Odd is about 6 feet and 5 inches, taller than most. He has a strong build and average weight.

~History: Odd’s mother died in childbirth and his father fell into depression. His father abandon him and gave him to his grandmother on his mother’s side, Rosaria. Rosaria grew flowers that were sold in a store near by. They lived in a cabin that was at the edge of a forest with a small creek near by. Rosaria was a wise old woman that taught Odd many things, from how to grow and raise flowers, to how to tell if someone is lying. Odd lived happily with his grandmother, until she passed away. When he was fourteen, his father, who had remarried, had no choice but to take him in. His stepmother didn’t take kindly to him, ruining her prefect family and all. It took two years for him to call his father ‘father’ and he has yet to call his stepmother anything but Alexis (expect for a few other names that will not be mentioned). He actually thinks of Jade as a sister. The two get along great and they have a normal big-brother-and-little-sister relationship. His current best friends are Reven and Ares. He finds them worthy of respect and enjoys being with them.

~Fun Facts: Odd wants to grow flowers when he grows up like his grandmother.
He plans on buying back the house he grew up in.
His 'parents' are rich, but you would never guess it unless he told you.
He and Ares support Reven’s dream to become a hermit.
Odd has a fear of needles. He freezes up when every they’re near.
Has joined Reven, along with Ares every now and again, on some of Reven’s ‘narrated adventures’
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lit match

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Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 2:21 pm

Woah, Isn't that Moony's birthday?
Oct. 10th...IT IS!
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burning torch**

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Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 2:44 pm

Yeah, that's what I thought..
Or I thought her birthday was October 15. xDD
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lit match

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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 2:48 pm

I'm pretty sure its the tenth. Like 95% sure.
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burning torch**

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Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 2:54 pm

Yeah, it is.
She told me the other day in focus.
"No, -name! You have me mixed up with Blizz!"
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lit match

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Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 6:59 pm

Hahahaha, I find it quite amusing that both of you guys noticed that and I didn't...
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lit match

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Age : 28

Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 2:24 pm

Lawlll. xDD
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burning torch**

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Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 11:38 am

You're oh-so observant, Moony. x3
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

Daniel Odysseus Phrixos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 12:54 pm

Hehe. You have no idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Odysseus Phrixos   Daniel Odysseus Phrixos I_icon_minitime

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