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 taryn rae manning--;

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burning torch**

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PostSubject: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 5:41 pm

taryn rae manning--; 23w2xqp
oh dj, won't you play that song for me;;
&+ turn it up on your radio

basic information;;
Name--; Taryn Rae Manning
Pronounced--; Tear-in Ray Man-ing
Nickname--; Taryn doesn't really go by any nicknames, as her name is short as it is. Although, sometimes, someone may call her "Tara" or "Rae". Her parents often call her "The Motormouth".
Age--; Sixteen.
Birthday--; May Fifteenth.
Grade--; Junior
Gender--; Female
Eye colour--; Taryn's eyes are a pretty shade of green/blue, flecked in some places by a brown to give them a hazel appearance.
Hair colour--; Taryn's hair is a shade of light red or dark strawberry blonde, depending on which way you want to look at it. It's naturally turning darker as she's getting older, and someday she knows it's going to be a coppery-brown colour. Right now, though, it's a nice shade of dark strawberry-blonde, turning darker and redder with each passing month.
Orientation--;As Taryn experimented with both genders in ninth grade, she's proud to say that she's bisexual, although she is mainly interested in the male gender.
Nationality--; 50% Scottish, 30% Irish, 20% Czech
Social Class-; Taryn's family is in the higher middle-class range, or the low higher-class range.
Christopher Collins Manning -- Father -- 100% Scottish --;
Christopher Collins Manning was concieved in Scotland-- His parents homeland. However, when his mother was only three months in, they decided to move to America, land of the free, to raise thier first child. So they got passports and moved over there, all the while scouring baby books for the perfect "American" name. When thier son was born, they named him Christopher Collins, and called him Chris for short.
Kelsee Rae Manning -- Mother -- 60% Irish, 40% Czech --;
Kelsee Rae Manning is Taryn's mother. Thier middles names, which are a family name, has been passed down for the generations that thier ancestors moved to the United States.
Russ -- rah-hus -- Jack Russell Terrier
Russ was "adopted" from a local pet store. Taryn picked him out as a present for her tenth birthday. All the other puppies had been barking and jumping all around thier cages, causing such a racket. Taryn was drawn to Russ when she found he wasn't making so much noise, or jumping around trying to get some attention. Instead, she liked his quiet dignity that, even as a puppy, he already had. His name at the petstore had simply been "Dog 00437" and she had renamed him "Russ", in honour of his rust-coloured mark surrounding his face and the one spot covering his tail. As a ten-year-old, Taryn had been unable to pronounce "Rust", so she had called him "Russ" which she pronounced as "Rah-hus".

Taryn stands at an almighty 5"2, shorter than just about everyone else in her grade. Her build is small, with lithe shoulders and slightly wider hips. She used to weigh a hefty one hundred and twenty-nine (129) pounds before she started dieting, as she wasn't fond of being over-weight. Now, she weighs a healthy one hundred and eight (108) pounds.

Taryn's skin is a pale colour, almost seeming grayish next to some of her friend's pinker complexions. With her pale skin, it's no suprise that Taryn is a natural strawberry blonde-redhead. Her hair is a dark shade oif strawberry blonde, or a light shade of red. She's highlighted it with some strands of blonde, just enough to lighten it up. Either way, she loves her hair. Currently, she has it cut so it hangs just down just past her shoulders, just touching her collarbone. It flips out at the ends, curling outwards from her face. Her eyes are sometimes hidden by her hair, but more of the time they aren't. They shine a pretty green-blue colour, with spots of brown mixing in with them to give them a hazel appearance.

Normally, Taryn'll wear makeup. Eye-liner, eye-shadow, lip-gloss, chapstick, concealer... You name it and she owns it. However, though, she doesn't wear all of it all at once. No, Taryn's smarter than most girls just begining to use make-up. She knows how to make it subtly brighten up her appearance, and when too much is too much. Yes, Taryn is a fan of makeup. And fashion. They go hand-in-hand with eachother, in her opinion. So, as she is a fan of make-up, she does enjoy fashion. She enjoys wearing the most in-fashion clothes, combining them with her own style to get a chic outfit for the day.

Taryn is a naturally loud person. The longest time she's quiet is when she's asleep-- And even than she just happens to snore and talk in her sleep. Her parents often refer to her as "The Motormouth", although it's said in a joking manner, they're usually serious about it. Thier daughter never shuts up-- And when she's talking, there's really no chance for someone else to get a word in unless she lets them.

[+] Loyal--; Once you're Taryn's friend, you're always Taryn's friend. Even if you don't like her anymore, even if you hate her, she'll always consider you what you were before, whether you were just friends or best friends, or perhaps even more. She doesn't like using the term "ex". It's like she's talking about a dead person, to her.
[-] Pestery--; Taryn's known to repeat herself over and over until she gets an answer, getting louder and louder until the person can't ignore her any longer. Even than, if she doesn't like the answer, she'll pester them again, hoping for the answer to have changed in the past five or ten seconds.
[+/-] Honest--; Taryn is very truthful-- She never tries to lie, even when she's in a tight spot. As that is, even if the truth hurts, she'll tell you rather than tell you the lie you want to hear. On the bright side, though, you know she'll never lie to you intentionally.
[+] Optimistic--; Taryn is always looking on the bright side of things. She's always positive, never letting a negative thought or person get her down for long. And even if one does manage to get her down, it's never for long.
[-] Bossy--; As one could expect, Taryn can be a bit bossy at times. Usually, it's a "it's my way or the highway" kind of thing. Her parents have never corrected her on this, as they were always too concerned with themselves to pay much attention to thier daughter's bad habits.

Taryn's history is boring, to say the least. She has never once moved in her life, never experianced a horrific event, never even had a loved one die. The closest she's had to having a sad experiance is when her mom's old pet ferret slipped out the open front door and was never seen again. And, even than, that's not as sad as stories some of her friends have told her.
A very boring history, yes?

"My history is so boring. I mean, seriously. It's not like anything ever exciting happens to me. The most exciting event I probably have ever seen was when our ferret ran out the door. Or when my dad knocked over our mailbox and the neighbor's when he was backing down the driveway. Yeah, boring. I told you it was, didn't I? Yeah..."

Last edited by Starrz on Fri May 22, 2009 5:44 pm; edited 26 times in total
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lit match

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taryn rae manning--; Empty
PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 8:11 pm

Erm. her feet are lined up with her shoulders....

...*fake barf*

hehehe Lawl
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burning torch**

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Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

taryn rae manning--; Empty
PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2009 2:19 pm

Get your mind outta the gutter, Moony. o:
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lit match

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Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

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PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 12:56 pm

"Trapper" John Mcintyre: "I can't help it, it's attached to my body."

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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 2:20 pm

xD If you can't help it, then...
Starr'll find an off button somewhere. /wefts hammer-
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

taryn rae manning--; Empty
PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 2:48 pm

........ you lost me
don't even bother explaining. it's not worth it.
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burning torch**

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Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

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PostSubject: Re: taryn rae manning--;   taryn rae manning--; I_icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 2:34 pm

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