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 Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)

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lit match

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Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) Empty
PostSubject: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he''s not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 5:54 pm

Ok, well, maybe I sorta got the idea for his middle name from my cat... Hey! Don't judge me!


Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) Men-hairstyles-6


Reginald Scotch Stone
Nickname: Reggie (Reh-jee)

17 (Okay, he looks older in his pic. Use your imagination)

What you see...

Reggie stands tall at 6'1" but not taller that some. He has straight brown hair that he is constantly flicking, wiping, or bushing to the side so that his dark eyes can be seen. His eyes are strange, changing with his outfit. One day they might be forest green, the next dark blue, depending on his attire. Reg is quite athletic as a result of his love for, well, athletics. Makes sense, heh? Reggie absolutely loves sports; his life revolves around them. This is reflected on his not-so-nice grades, which are, at the very best, C's. But, like he cares, right /sarcasm/? He's set for his career, football all the way.

Reggie is also quite the outgoing guy. I mean, captain and quarterback of the football team, right? He's gotta be outgoing with all that attention. However, he's not loud and obnoxious like those stupid wannabes who try to hard. Reg isn't afraid to stand up for the under dog either. He would reprimand his own friends for roughing up a nerd. He wouldn't care if they shunned him, he has plenty of other friends to hang with. Not that there's a chance of others shunning him (SHUN THE NONBELIEVER! SHUNNNNNN!!), everyone loves Reggie.

(Oh my lord, I'm gonna barf. Gary-stu, right? Bring on the negatives)

Hidden deep down... Sorta

There's a reason Reggie never has his friends over to his house: His family is quite screwed up. Reggie's mom left when Reg's little sister, Maureen (13), was just born, thus sending his father spiraling down into his own personal hell. Ever since then, Laurence Stone, Reg's daddy, has used Reg and Maureen as objects to vent his anger on. Phisically and mentally, Reg and Maureen are maimed by their father. Laurence has a slight... okay, maybe giant/humongous drinking problem. He is the only person Reggie has ever been completely terrified of. Reginald could easily stand up to Laurence, however, his father has viciously murdered his confidence to that he doesn't have the courage.

Another thing. Due to the constant beatings Reg's pride takes from his father, he is incredibly insecure. Reginald has to be better than everyone or he goes into a depression that no one sees. He has even cut himself a few times. When certain subjects are brought up in conversation, such as his home, Reginald goes into his little shell and shuts down for a while. His friends quickly learn this and don't mention the touchy subjects often. He is quite good at hiding his feelings.

Last edited by Moony15 on Tue May 12, 2009 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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burning torch**

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Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 2:36 pm

...Why do his eyes change colour?
That's not really.. normal.
If it stayed in a normal range, like light brown to dark brown, that'd be fine.
Or blue/gray/green, because they're all respective of eachother-- And because the colours are so light, they often reflect thier surroundings.
But other than that... No, just no.

Other than that.. he seems pretty good to me. ^^
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 2:46 pm

I think she means if he wears, say, blue, they /look/ a certain color. Then if he wears brown, they look another color close to the other...
But my friend said its impossible to have brown eyes and blond hair when there's a girl with brown eyes and blond hair RIGHT NEXT TO HER.
I don't think its impossible... is it?
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lit match

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Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 2:54 pm

@Clear: Exactly, and no... Starr has blond hair and blue eyes. It's definitely possible. i have a question. Was your friend perhaps smoking crack when he/she said that?? That's what Hitler was going for during the whole Holocaust thing.

@Starr: Yeah, like clear said. Sometimes Seene (My older bro... no that's not really how you spell his name) wears different color shirts and his eyes look different. If you want me to put that they don't change at all, I can do that, but I have personal experience that it does happen...
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 2:55 pm

I dunno, either...

It's not impossible.
Two girls who ride my bus have blonde hair and brown eyes-- They don't dye thier hair, either.
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:00 pm

I said BROWN eyes, Moony.
And, no. We were in school and then we're in fifth grade.
AND! Today we learned a bit about WWII. x)
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:01 pm

Well, yeah, they can look different, but the actual color of the eyes wouldn't really change...
My eyes do change color, but it's a very small difference and it doesn't happen too often.
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lit match

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:02 pm

*reads clear's post several times*

OOOOHHHH... I get it now... lawl
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:05 pm

Yeah. Today, my friend's eyes looked gray but they're really blue~
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:07 pm

@Moony-- I know that it is possible for eyes to look different colours. My eyes do that when I change shirts, probably like your brother, Scene, from what you're describing. It's more noticable for some people than others, as if their eyes are lighter they reflect colours more easily. But they'll always stay near the same shade. Dark brown to blue.. that's just unrealistic.
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:08 pm

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lit match

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:09 pm

Bokays. That's cool. I can change it... =)))
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:12 pm

It's not too big of a deal, though.
Atleast, like Clear said, they're not changing with thier emotions. XD
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:15 pm

Have you ever read this page me and some of my friends made? Its about how to make perfect charries. x) I have one up there but its really old. I haven't talked to anyone of them in awhile and I have no clue if its still up.
The eye color changing with emotions reminded me of it. X)
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lit match

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:16 pm

That would be crap.
Unless it was an unrealistic RP....

....Nope, it would probably still be crap

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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:17 pm

It is very much crap. x3

I've read it, Cleary. ^^
Something with.. snails, right? XD
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small flare-;

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:28 pm

Yeah. That was my friend's name. XD
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lit match

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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 3:17 pm

Okay, so now we're on page two of Reggies Profile... O.o
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PostSubject: Re: Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat)   Reginald Scotch Stone (No, he's not named after my cat) I_icon_minitime

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