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 {demelza mae rachelle*

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Posts : 124
Join date : 2009-05-06
Age : 34
Location : texas...

{demelza mae rachelle* Empty
PostSubject: {demelza mae rachelle*   {demelza mae rachelle* I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 5:33 pm

{demelza mae rachelle* 35lhw08

name : Demelza Mae Rachelle
Dehm-ell-zuh May Ruh-shell
nickname : Dem or Demmy for close friends
age : fifteen, almost sixteen!
birthday : May fifteenth
hair : Dem's hair has a pale honey color with natural streaks and strands weaving their way throughout the blond. It is around five inches past her shoulder, though its usually kept in a ponytail with long bangs brushes to the right. She'll only wear it down for special occasions and you unknowingly get used to it up, making her look very different.
eyes : Demelza has dark blue eyes, though in certain, bright light they appear almost pale. A dark, thick outer rim circles her iris. Her pupils are coal black and make a nice contrast against the blue. She knows the blue eyes-blond hair is "oh-so common" but doesn't mind it. {no offense}
freckles : Demelza has freckles on almost every square centimeter on her face. They're less noticeable in the light but in the darker light it looks like someone splattered paint all over. She has one dark freckle on her top lip.
make up : Dem doesn't wear anything that might cover up her freckles like most girls with freckles would. She'll wear lip gloss some days and a thin line of eyeliner on special occasions but that's it.
orientation : Demelza was raised in a strictly straight way, so she ended up straight. Her parents taught her to not accept female-female pairings and even though its wrong to have something against them in her opinion, its rubbed off and you can find traces of it.
nationality : 60% English, 30% French, 10% Polish
family :
Alexandra Sabrina Rachelle - mother, 50
George Micheal Rachelle - father, deceased
Amber Jane Rachelle - sister, 19

Demelza's parents, Alexandra and George, were rather strict. In truth, they wanted the best for Demelza and Amber. Since the girls never got instant gratification, they found it very annoying and often rebelled against them. When her father died from a heart attack at the very young age of 47, the family was at its last straw. A year later, Demelza's mother was diagnosed with heart cancer. The family is now crumbling and sadly, Alexandra is growing distant from her daughters. She is unable to take care of her children and Amber has decided to take care of Demelza until she graduates highschool before she thinks about college.


Demelza is a fairly average height for her age, standing at 5'4". She's grown steadily over the years and she's only had one, short growth spurt. She might grow an inch taller if anything, but Dem's pretty sure she won't get much taller for the rest of her life. Her weight is around 122 pounds. She hasn't checked in a few months because life's gotten in the way. When your mother is in the hospital most of the time, your older sister has given up college to watch over you and yet you're still home alone a lot, school, friends, and life, weight isn't exactly the most important thing. She tries to eat somewhat healthy but she'll go for a little cake or a cookie once a week.

Demelza's often-up, dirty blond hair looks almost the same color as her dull skin, only a with a bit of a brightness boost. Her lips even look the same hue as her skin but in a duller pink, if you know what I mean. Everything seems to blend on her body, like its just variations of some sort if that makes sense. Her dark blue eyes do seem to stand out but still, they just seem to blend. She looks almost like she belongs in a rainy day. Her build isn't twiggy but it isn't large, either. It lands right smack in the middle, which she greatly appreciates.

Shopping isn't her thing but she loves to go wear some new clothes. She'll try and wear brighter colors like orange or green and not pastels as they just tend to blend. Demelza has a whole collection of scarves, most striped. Every day she'll be wearing a different one and then every month and a half she repeats the cycle, mixing it up a little. Dem isn't the one for hats or gloves and she doesn't own any, either. She likes to look nice but isn't willing to spend a day roaming the mall for clothes when she's lucky to find two outfits.

After thirteen years of being told to sit and stand straight, Dem's posture is excellent. Standing, sitting, kneeling, anything, that back is straight. Even though she knows it'll never happen again, she remembers the countless times as a child of her father shouting at her to sit up straight, and even physically making her do so. This is why she's a little uncertain about slumping a little bit. She has no problem with slumping and it would be completely out of her nature to tell someone to sit up straight.


You'd think the trauma and odd lifestyle would mature Dem, make her able to cope with more changes, correct? Nah. Strict parents? Big N-O. The small amount she's matured in these past years has only made her able to not land in the principal's office. She was never shy or mysterious, always outgoing and open.

{+} outgoing- Demelza is beyond outgoing. She's louder, crazier and more entertaining than ever. She loves to sing, act, preform, anything to be the center of attention, to get all eyes on her. That doesn't mean she's very good. In class, she'll randomly call out something in the middle of a lecture or begin talking to someone next to her. Getting in trouble is nothing, as long as she hears laughing, clapping, cheering; they're all compliments.
{+/-} dramatic- With the outgoingness, Demelza's always cheering or whining about something. Her emotions are extreme, but they're not mood swings. She's just very loud and opinionated, so her emotions come out that way. When she's happy, she's elated. When she's upset, she's horrible. Everything surprises her and she makes sure everyone is aware that the news that the prom is going to happen this year is a total shocker to her. It's... hilarious, but yet annoying after awhile.
{-} naive- Demelza isn't immature, but she's not immature, so people just call her naive. She's not advancing in academics and not really an excellent athlete. She swims, but she's never received a medal except once a bronze. Her judgment is not to be trusted, nor her opinion on anything major. It'll usually be some instant gratification thing she wants. Dem is definitely not one of those "old soul" kids, if you know what I mean.
{-} argumentative- Demelza's always looking for an argument with enemies, or people who find her annoying. Most of the time, she's not right. The smart people who realize that can't back her up. The arguments are often brief because the topic is so irrelevant or childish and the other person arguing will just give up because Demelza just repeats herself over and over, getting the argument absolutely no where.
{+} friendly- If you can get past the dramatic and argumentative part of Demmy, she's a very fun girl. She seems uneducated about life when she keeps a lot of that stuff - surprisingly - inside her. Because she's rejected for being herself by the cliques, she really just wants a group of friends that will support and encourage her through rough times. She's scared that her mother will die soon and worried she won't be able to be like herself if the distant relative was gone. If only someone would accept her for who she is and put up with her, she's be extremely happy.


Demelza was born in New York. After she's said that, she is often asked what New York City is like. Dem the groans softly then specifies she was born in Albany, the capital of New York. Her dad was a pilot, which required the family to move often. She's lived from Dallas to Warsaw, and even Tokyo for a year. Their life was a messed up whirlwind and Demelza's friends lasted a school year until she was off again, off to live somewhere new and different. She's learned to understand French and Polish but is unable to speak it without a translator or English to French/Polish dictionary, and even then its not fluent.
The women of the family got fed up, especially Amber. Sure, it was cool to see the world but the insane amount of times they'd moved was irritating. They'd been settling in, making friends, adjusting to the food and language when suddenly, "We're moving to Tokyo!," or "Pack up your backs, girls, Melbourne's calling our names!" For a short while, Demelza's parents split up but were still legally married. During that time, they lived in Oregon. Two years later, father came back, fired and almost broke. They moved to {setting}, for sure it'd be the last move. Five months later, George died from a heart attack at 47. The next year, Alexandra was diagnosed with heart cancer and isn't expected to live much longer.
Amber takes care of Demelza now. So far, no one's gotten stitches or broken a bone from a hand-to-hand fight but its coming. Just wait and see.
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