Il Lato Libero --x {ILL}
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 Reven Styx Achelous

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PostSubject: Reven Styx Achelous   Reven Styx Achelous I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 8:35 pm

Reven Styx Achelous
"Hasn't killed me yet, it'll just make me stronger and let me have more fun!"

~Gender: Male

~Age: 16

~Hair Color: Pitch black and cut short. The longest parts would be at the sides of his face, he has two long bangs that kind of frame his face. into different layers. He likes to gel the heck out of it in the mornings to make it a little bit spiky.

~Eye Color: Dark Green

~Family: Mother (deceased): Alican Rosemarie Achelous
Father: Nicholas Andrew Achelous
Stepmother: Sarah Lucy Achelous

~Appearance: Reven stands 6 ft and 1in tall. He still has lip piercings from a bet he made in the seventh grade, but rarely wears them anymore. He has muscular arms and strong legs from hiking and camping. His skin is peach with a hit of a tan from hours spent outside with sunscreen his Stepmother makes him wear.

~History: Reven grew up in a house that had a small forest in the backyard, so naturally, he spent most of his time outside camping, hiking, exploring, and what not. His mother died in a car crash when he was young and his father got married two years later. In school, he kept taking dares and bets that got him in a lot of trouble. As he grew up, Reven got into a lot of fights with other kids, bullies, and gangs. It got to the point where his parents had to move when Reven was 14 because he was banned from the school grounds and certain places in the town. His father was able to find a new job and an affordable house and they settled down. Reven, though, didnt like the move at all. The new house didn't have a forest anywhere near it and he left his few friends behind. The town he had lived in had small schools, but his knew home had huge school filled with hundreds of kids. Reven feeled...threatened in this new environment, but decided to supress the feeling so he wouldnt cause as much trouble for his parents. He still gets into fights, but not as much. He still takes dares and bets, but tries to think before he agrees to them. Key word: tries

*Temper- Reven snaps at every little thing and gets annoyed easily. He has a short fuse and its wise not to light it. He'll make a big deal out of nothing and make it worse if its bad.

*Brain Dead: Reven couldn't careless about History, Math, English, etc. He doesn't think he'll need them when he grows-up because just plans to be a hermit in the woods. He just plans to barely pass highschool, raise some money to buy some supplies, and off to the woods. The only classes he's good at is Science, P.E., and anything else that has to do with the wilderness.

*Clueless: You could tell Reven the sky turns black at night because aliens had surrounded the Earth, and there's a good chance he'd believe you for a few minutes. He's easy to fool, but he could catch on in a few minutes. But if its about something he totally doesn't know about, then he'll totally believe it

*Adventurous: Reven loves to take a chance and risk his neck, and others' sometimes. He never backs down from a fight, no matter what the odds. It could be him against fifteen other guys and he'd still fight (and not learn his leason). Reven loves to explore, wether its the woods, a sewer, or his dad's office. Sometimes he gets so into it, he acts like a dork and narrates his litte 'adventure.'

*Headstrong: As said above, Reven never backs down from a fight, dare, or bet. He believes himself to be invincable sometimes, and has nearly gotten himself killed once. He rarely learns his leason. He could jump off a bridge, get five broken bones and almost drown, and will just laugh it off. He takes his defeats as wins.

*Friendship and Trust: Despite all this, Reven has been able to make a few friends and trusts them entirely. But if he has a reason to dislike you, he'll never believe a thing you say. He has a hard outer core, but can be rather nice on the sometimes.

Okay, I have no idea how this will turn out. I just had fun making this.
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burning torch**

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PostSubject: Re: Reven Styx Achelous   Reven Styx Achelous I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 2:12 pm

Aha! He sounds like a great match for Michelle. (x
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