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 rylan tate vrijay--;

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burning torch**

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PostSubject: rylan tate vrijay--;   rylan tate vrijay--; I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:32 pm

rylan tate vrijay--;
rylan tate vrijay--; Xgdxs1
Only he who can see the invisible;;
can do the impossible.

basic information;;
Name--; Rylan Tate Vrijay
Pronounced--; Rye-lan Tay-ate Vree-ay
Nickname--; His parents have a tendancy to call him "Ry-rye". He finds the nickname embarressing and tries to keep it hushed up. His friends, on the other hand, use the nickname to tease him. Another favourite varietion of "Ry-rye" would be "Rye-bread".
Age--; Fifteen.
Birthday--; June Eleventh.
Gender--; Male, last time he checked.
Eye colour--; Gray in colour, although some think that they are blue.
Hair colour--; Dark brown in shade, some have mistaken it for being black.
Orientation--; Although he has no clue what to say to them, Rylan's ruler-straight.
Nationality--; 60% Italian, 40% Hispanic -- He thinks. He's slightly unsure of how to calculate the percantages, but he thinks that he's close. (It's actually something like 55% Italian and 44% Hispanic.)
Mother's Family--;
Randy Douglas Dhoibus - Step-Father
Sharon Lynn Dhoibus - Mother - 10% Italian, 90% Hispanic
Rebakah Erin Dhoibus - Step-Sister
Brendan Alex Dhoibus - Step-Brother
His mother took her new husband's last name - Dhoibus. The last name is pronounced "Dough-he-bus". Rebakah and Brendan are Sharon and Randy's children.

Father's Family--;
Leonardo "Leo" Carlos Vrijay - Father - 100% Italian
Ayden Sydney Davis - Father's Fiance
No other siblings.

Rylan has a golden retriever mix that his father adopted from the local pound for him. Her name was Cheerios, and Rylan couldn't think of a better name for the dog. She stayed Cheerios for a few weeks after they adopted her, until his mother told him that he should call her Honey, because she was honey-coloured and slow-moving at times. Rylan, on the other hand, had other ideas. Cheerios became known as Honey Nut Cheerios, or Honey for short. Occasionally, someone will call her Cheerios or Nut, but it's just a loving pet-name for the golden retreiver. Honey's been at Rylan's side for four years and counting-- And yes, she does travel from house to house with him.

Rylan stands at just 6"3, which he doesn't consider bad for his age. In fact, he thinks it's downright awesome. It makes him one of the taller guys, and suddenly he doesn't have to look up at the girls anymore. Instead, they now have to look up at him. He likes the feeling that he now towers over them, when all the girls had always been taller than him when he had been growing up.
Now he could see why people like being tall.
But as he has recently just grown so tall, it's left Rylan skinny and gangly. He looks almost as if a puff of wind could blow him over. His parents assure him, though, that every guy goes through this and that he'll fill out soon enough. He can't wait until he does, because than maybe everyone will stop calling him a "skinny beanpole".

As Rylan has grown taller, he's learned that slouching doesn't look good-- No matter how comforable it is. Instead, he's forcing himself to walk straight, with his shoulders back. If people are going to look at him, he atleast wants to appear confident. And, if he recalls, walking like that just spreads confidence. However, when he's sitting down, he'll slouch like any other kid that's hoping not to be called on during class.

As he is just entering highschool, Rylan's come to learn about a thing called "your image". Basically, "your image" is the way you look and the way others see you. Right now, though, Rylan doesn't care about that. He just dresses in what feels comfortable for the day-- And mainly, that's just wearing a pair of blue jeans or shorts with a tee-shirt or something similiar to that.

Rylan's hair is a dark shade of brown, so dark that many mistake it for being black. One can tell, though, that it's brown when the light catches it-- It turns slightly lighter, and that's when you can tell it's dark brown. His hair is slightly long, coming down past his ears but not quite reaching his shoulders. It flips outwards at the ends, and Rylan makes no attempts to do anything to it. All he does is wake up, shower, brush his hair, and eat breakfast before he's out the door. Sometimes he doesn't even brush it-- He just lets it do whatever it wants to. Underneath his bangs, one would find his gray eyes. Rylan's eyes, which are gray, can be mistaken for being blue, although he's usually quick to correct whoever it is that said that they're blue. His question to them is always along the lines of: "What are you, colour blind? Look closer, they're gray."

Rylan has almost always been one of the kids who wants to fit in, not stand out. He'd much rather go with the flow instead of splashing around and making waves. "Lie low" might as well be his catch-phrase, or motto. As it is, Rylan's just a guy who happens to be quieter than all the other guys. Truth is, he just doesn't want to stand out. Not even a little bit. Sure, he's quiet, but he hangs out with the louder, more obnoxious guys, hoping that maybe if he's seen hanging around with them, he'll fit in. It could be said that Rylan has a slight obsession with fitting in. He's always stood out as a kid-- As he was always "that tan kid", even in the middle of winter. That's not all, though. He was almost always known as the "new kid that moved in during the middle of the school year". This time, though, Rylan's ready for a fresh start in a brand-spanking-new highschool.
Maybe this will be his one chance to fit in and be like the everybody else...

[-/+] Quiet--; Rylan is generally one of the quieter guys in school, preffering to sit back and let others do his talking for him. Many might mistake Rylan for being shy, but he's not. He talks to people and interacts with everyone, he just chooses not to talk as much-- Is that such a crime?
[-] Nervous--; Rylan's one of the guys that are always nervous about something. Whether it's fretting over a test or wondering what other's think of him, Rylan's always worrying over it. His fingers almost always twitch slightly, more so when he becomes extremely agaited.
[+] Sweet--; Rylan's the type of guy that will stop to help an old lady across the road-- When he's not with any of his friends, that is. He's afraid that they'd laugh at him if he showed a nice, kinder face to the world than they did.
[-/+] Stubborn--; Rylan won't budge, not even for the biggest bully the world can throw at him. He's suffered black eyes and broken small bones, just because he doesn't feel like doing what someone wants him to do. Sure, he's making tides now. But if he isn't going to stand up to the bullies, than who is? Last time he checked, everyone all but ran in the other direction.
[-/+] Sarcastic--; Although it may sound dorky, Rylan doesn't care. Sarcasm is his favourite form of fighting and humour. It's fun to use, too. And what makes it even funner is when the other person doesn't know what sarcasm is. That always gets a (mostly muffled) laugh out of him.

Rylan's parents, Sharon and Leonardo, married when they were in thier early twenties and waited for a year to have thier first child. A year or two after, however, they found that nothing in their relationship was working out, that they had little in common anymore. They tried to stay together for the sake of Rylan -- who was around nearing four by now -- but it really wasn't working out for them. They got a divorce just after Rylan's fifth birthday. They split apart then, both moving to different cities. They probably would have never seen eachother again, except for the fact that they had Rylan to pass back to the other every other month. It didn't bother him that much, as he had been too young to understand it. All he knew was that his parents lived in different houses and that the longest that they were in eachother's company was when they were passing him to one another. When he was nine, his mom met another man, Randy, and started seeing him. He was just turning ten when they were married, and his mom announced that she was expecting a child. Actually, it turned out to be twins: Brendan and Rebakah. His father, on the other hand, stayed away from relationships, Rylan not knowing the reason why. Maybe it was to protect him? Whatever it was, he seemed to forget it once when he met Ayden. They started "courting", as his father would say, and things went smoothly for a year before his dad proposed. They haven't married yet, but are planning to sometime in the summer.

"It doesn't bother me to know that my parents have split since they've had me. Really, it doesn't. It seems to me like most parents have, anyways. Besides, it's really not that big of a deal. I was too young to remember it. Mom tells me I had just learned to walk, while Dad says I had just started speaking. I don't know which of them to believe, so I just agree with whichever one I'm with whenever this happens to come up. I could ask someone else, I guess, but who's to say that they're right or wrong? Besides, it's not that important for me to know, is it? And if it were, they'd stop argueing over it and agree on one thing, right? Eh. Anyways, like I said, it doesn't really bother me. Sure, I wonder sometimes what my life would be like if they hadn't split. But the way I look at it, I have two families instead of one to love me. It's not that bad when you think of it that way. And, besides that, my step-families aren't so bad. Sure, the twins can get on my nerves, but they can't help it. They're only four, after-all. They still got a ways to go before they're mature enough not to be annoying. Thier father -- My step-father -- isn't that bad, either. I like to think that he treats me the same way as he treats his real children. As long as he doesn't break Mom's heart, he's cool with me. I guess I should say the same thing about Dad's fiance, Ayden. Yeah, she's nice, but who knows what she's hiding underneath that facade? She's got no children, but from what she says, she's had countless guys falling for her. You just can't trust that, in my opinion. Dad doesn't see this at all. He just believes.. actually, I don't know what he believes. I'm no mind-reader, thanks. If you want to know that badly, ask him, not me. In my opinion, he's about to have his heart broken again. Tcht, serves him right. He's gotta learn sometime... But anyways, this is supposed to be about my history, right? Not about Dad's heartache, though I guess it's sorta-kinda tyed in with mine, right? Eh, whatever. Anyways, I grew up in a small town, near a big city. Not telling you where, jeezum. Can we say 'stalker'? Anyways, the house was nice. Original, unlike these brick houses where I now live, where every other house looks the same. I swear, even though my dad lives in an appartment and my mom in a house, they almost look the same. Well, not really, but you know: Brick outside, shudders. Some rooms in both places are even painted the same colour -- Almost as if both my parents were of one mind. I guess that's one thing they had in common, though. And I guess that's all they had in common, seeing as they split apart..."

Last edited by Starrz on Wed May 13, 2009 5:04 pm; edited 3 times in total
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rylan tate vrijay--; Empty
PostSubject: Re: rylan tate vrijay--;   rylan tate vrijay--; I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:34 pm

Jenny: I love that picture of Rylan. ^^ AND FINALLY, YOU GOT HIS PROFILE FINISHED!
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burning torch**

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Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

rylan tate vrijay--; Empty
PostSubject: Re: rylan tate vrijay--;   rylan tate vrijay--; I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:35 pm

Aha. I luff that picture in general. x3 I just smacked a name down on it. AHA.
That took me all of.. a half an hour.
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PostSubject: Re: rylan tate vrijay--;   rylan tate vrijay--; I_icon_minitime

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