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 {Jared Cameron Powers--

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lit match

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Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28

{Jared Cameron Powers-- Empty
PostSubject: {Jared Cameron Powers--   {Jared Cameron Powers-- I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:03 pm

{Jared Cameron Powers-- W049k6

Name--; Jared Cameron Powers
Pronunciation--; J-air-ed Cam-err-on Powers
Nickname{s}--; none, really. Jair{like, chair...but with a J?}, JC{he hates the name. Mostly he's called this by his family.}
Age--; sixteen
Birthday--; July 20th
Nationality--; 40% Norwegian 60% English
Hair Color--; Black; Coal
Eye Color--; Light Blue
Grace-Ann Elizabeth Powers -- sister; 5 years
Deborah Madeline Powers -- mother; 38 years
Terry Richard Powers -- father; 40 years

Biological Family--;
Morgan Rea Ophels -- 31 years {15 when Jared was born}
Nathaniel Jason Ophels -- 32 years
--A few years after Jared's birth, when the two were in their twenties, they married.

On the Outside...
Of average height, Jared stands almost as tall as his short mother, who is 5-foot-seven inches. Currently, Jared is standing at a height of 5-foot-three. On the thin side, he weights one hundred and twenty{120} pounds, which you could consider average. Many think he doesn't eat a whole lot, and if you do, you obviously don't know him well. Jared eats more than anyone in his family, though his figure stays slim. He loves cross-country, and runs for the school team, with what his long legs and lean build - it was easy. Jared is definitely into the "now" clothes. He fashions himself in Aeropostale and American Eagle, Hollister and Abercrombie.
With an oval shaped face and fair skin, one can definitely see that he's mostly English. Jared can spend hours in the sun, and only tan slightly. He has no need for the sunscreen. His coal black hair hangs just past his ears, framing his face. He has light blue eyes, and his black pupils stand out within their mystic azure depths. He slouches when he sits, as do all guys, and has his paper at somewhat of an angle, tilted just slightly to the right, as he's a lefty.

Looking In...
Jared is extremely outgoing. With a loud voice, he uses this to draw attention to himself. He's somewhat conceited, and thinks a lot about himself. Extroverted, he has no trouble standing up in front of the class and giving a speech, or bursting out singing. Or even randomly start dancing in the halls. He'll do it. He fits in with the crowd at school, it's not that hard for him. Mischievous, he's always getting into trouble with parents and teachers -- whoever happens to be around at the time. Adventurous, Jared isn't at all nervous about trying new things. In fact, he delights in doing so. While on the outside he seems mean and somewhat rude, when you get to know him, he's as sweet as can be. That is, when he isn't around his buddies. Jared's had a patchy life, and he has a dark secret he hasn't shared with anyone. But who knows, maybe he'll trust you.

Jared was adopted. Yes, you heard me. While Jared looks a lot like his adopted parents, he isn't their child. At least, biologically. Jared was born to two minors, a mistake on their behalf. His biological father wished to have no part in his son's life, and promptly made that clear to his mother and the nurse at the hospital. In fact, he gave the mother a choice: keep the child and lose him, or keep him and lose the child. His mother had been shunned from her family after the news of a child came about, hardly anyone in her family had spoken to her in the past 9 months. Sighing, she gave in, giving up her son for the father. She needed someone to care for her, and if her family wouldn't, she knew he would. And he did. So Jared was shipped off to an Adoption Agency, when many took interest to him. A hard decision for the employees, they finally decided upon a family: the Powers'. At the age of 6 months, he joined the Powers' at their home, where he's lived since. At the age of five, his adopted father gave him a necklace, which he wears everyday. Jared didn't know about his adoption until quite recently. After all, he looks almost like his father! When he was thirteen, his parents finally told him. the news came as a shock to him, and he had a hard time taking it in. Finally, he could manage it. He would just forget he was adopted, forget his mother gave him up... forget everything that made him different. This fact became his secret, he wouldn't share it with anyone. Besides, no one would be able to tell, since he looked like his adopted family.

He's met his adopted family once, quite recently, in fact. His parents arranged it, and before he knew it, they were there, standing in the middle of the park, staring blankly at one another. Jared refused to interact with them, he just stared at them, saying nothing. He nodded occasionally when questions were flung in his direction, but only one thought was racing through his mind: I hate these people; They gave me up. It was an awkward moment, and at times, Jared wishes he would have reacted differently.

Incomplete, but whatever. I'll finish it later

Last edited by Blizzerz on Tue May 12, 2009 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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burning torch**

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{Jared Cameron Powers-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Jared Cameron Powers--   {Jared Cameron Powers-- I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:42 pm

/huggles jared-
He sounds like a more outgoing, crazy version of Rylan..
Kinda looks like'em, too.
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lit match

Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28

{Jared Cameron Powers-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Jared Cameron Powers--   {Jared Cameron Powers-- I_icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 5:18 pm

Yeah, kinda. x33 I luff him.
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PostSubject: Re: {Jared Cameron Powers--   {Jared Cameron Powers-- I_icon_minitime

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