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 Oh my gosh, it's Jennifer Kaycee Neilson!

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small flare-;

Posts : 116
Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere in Pennsylvania.

Oh my gosh, it's Jennifer Kaycee Neilson! Empty
PostSubject: Oh my gosh, it''s Jennifer Kaycee Neilson!   Oh my gosh, it's Jennifer Kaycee Neilson! I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:55 pm

Name;; Jennifer Kaycee Neilson (though commonly goes by Jenny)
Gender;; She's a girl, thanks.
Age;; 14, gonna be 15 in about a month.
Appearance;; Jenny is at a pretty average height for a girl her age, being 5'9". Or perhaps that's a bit on the tall side... But anyway, her weight is 135 pounds, which is pretty average for her height. She has slightly tanned skin, and long arms and legs. She has dark brown eyes and brown hair with blonde streaks running through it. Her hair reaches just a bit above her shoulders. She usually wears her clothes to reflect her mood.
Personality;; Jenny is bubbly, talkative, and outgoing. She loves meeting and talking to new people, but this often gets her in trouble during class. Her grades usually linger between the low B's and C's, her best grade being a solid B in reading. She cares about her friends and would do anything for them. Her humor is the hyper and sarcastic kind. Jenny is generally very confident, not caring if she makes a fool out of herself.


Last edited by Holleh on Tue May 12, 2009 1:42 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Wanted to make it look prettier. =3)
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Oh my gosh, it's Jennifer Kaycee Neilson!
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