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 {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--

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lit match

Posts : 33
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Age : 28

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:51 pm

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- 2dlpydi

Name--; Margaret Loretta Chaconas
Pronunciation--; Mar-gar-et Lor-etta Cha-cone-as
Nickname{s}--; Maggie, Mags if you're close.
Meaning --;
Margaret - Pearl{Greek}
Loretta - the laurel tree symbolic of honor and victory. {Italian}
Chaconas - an inhabitant of the eastern Peloponnese speaking an archaic variety of Greek.{Greek}
Age--; Sixteen
Birthday--; April 17th
Nationality--; 50% Greek, 40% Italian, 10% American
Hair Color--; Brown; Brunette
Eye Color--; Dark Brown; Chocolate
Airlia Ianella Chaconas-- Sister - 12 yrs
Andria Carmela Chaconas-- Mother - 39 yrs
Demetri Pieter Chaconas-- Father - 42 yrs

On the Outside...
Margaret is fairly tall for her age, though not nearly as tall as her peers. Instead, she stands at five-foot-four-inches, which she considers tall -- her mother being only two inches shorter. Despite her height, she is on the thin side, with a weight of a mere one hundred and four {104} pounds. Many tend to think she doesn't eat often, resulting in her light weight, but their assumptions are false. In fact, she eats quite a lot, though she seems to burn off the calories when she plays soccer. With her lean build and long legs, she glides through the hallways, her normal walking pace faster than that of others. Maggie isn't the fashion-typed femme. In fact, she doesn't see the importance in formal gowns or designer clothes or wearing make-up, even. She doesn't like it, and she'll do anything to avoid it. She's perfectly content with a loose tee-shirt and her favorite pair of jeans, topped off with her favorite sweatshirt. A purse just isn't her thing, and she prefers her small sports bag, that, for her, functions for multiple things. Being the eldest in her family, she isn't bothered by her attire, and she therefore has the freedom to do as she wishes.
Her face is oval shaped, and her skin is fairly tanned, hinting towards her Greek and Italian mixed ancestry. She can spend hours upon hours of time in the sun, and she never burns. Odd, she knows - and, despite her mother's requests - she never uses sunscreen. She doesn't see the point, if she doesn't get burnt in the sun. She's a brunette, though the sun's rays give it a sort of reddish tint when it hits her layered hair at a certain angle. Her chocolate brown eyes dark, her coal black pupils are barely noticeable, even from close up.
She usually slumps when she sits, leaning over her paper. When she writes, her paper is turned at an angle, almost aligning with the edge of the desk. Her teacher got onto her once about this habit, saying that her paper was upside down, and that's not how someone should write. Of course, as soon as the teacher left, she made a rude face at her, and she didn't adjust her paper, either. She's slightly twitchy, almost always doing something at all times. She doesn't stay still for long, and she's usually tapping her foot or playing with her pencil most of the time. When she stands in one place for a while, she usually shifts her weight to one foot, crossing the other in front of it and balancing on the tip of her toes.

Looking In...
Maggie is easy-going; both shy and outgoing around those she doesn't know. She rarely opens her mouth, and when she does it's usually short and snappish. With a bit of a trust issue, she doesn't open up easily, and she therefore has a small group of friends - which is perfectly fine with her. When she's around them, she's no longer as quiet as normal, instead acting like every other teen: joyful, boisterous, and outgoing.
She enjoys spending time alone, and when she is, she's usually curled up with a book on the sofa, flying through the pages, scenes vivid in her mind. She likes to think she sometimes belongs in the book, and she can easily confuse fantasy with reality.
This section is still under construction and will be edited when I edit the page on Neo. xDD

[-/+] Trust Issues--; Maggie doesn't warm up to people easily, and a wall of coldness surrounds her most precious secrets, an invisible barrier that's almost impenetrable. She has trouble trusting others, and she's quick to think that you'll turn around and "stab her in the back," so to speak. Yes, she's scared of losing her friends after she makes them, and therefore only opens up to a few select people. This could be both a good thing, and a bad thing. The up side is that this allows her to pick her friends a bit easily, and the ones that manage to penetrate her barrier end up becoming one of her closest friends.
[-/+] Adventurous--; Maggie likes to explore. A lot. She enjoys the woods, navigating between rocks and trees with ease. She doesn't think about consequences often, and this lands her in trouble with her elders. On the up side, she gets to try new things, something she is always willing to do.
[-/+] Forgetful--; She can also be quite forgetful, and if you tell her something important... make sure you give her a pen to write with so she can jot it down on her hand. This could be a good thing, however, as you could tell her a secret you want to get out, and she won't tell a soul -- she'll forget it 2 days later. Unless it's something extremely important{to her}, then it's entirely different. When it's something she values, she'll be able to remember it, even if it appeared in conversation for a fraction of a second - she'll remember.
[+] Memory--; She has a Photographic Memory, able to look at a page for a few minutes, put the page away, and then recite everything that was on it. this comes in handy on tests, as she merely skims the textbook, lets images get stuck in her brain, and then she's good to go.

She grew up, most of her young, child life, on Sicily, an island off the coast of Italy. Her parents met there, on vacation, and they lived there until she was the age of eleven. She loved staring out at the ocean, sinking her toes into the Mediterranean Sea. However, when she turned eleven, and her sister was eight, they moved to the Americas, situating themselves in one of the many land-locked states. No more water, no more beaches, no more seals basking on the rocks. She can still speak the Greek language fairly well, as well as a bit of Latin that she learned in school while she lived there. She forgets the words, a lot, however, and her knowledge of the language fades with each passing day. She misses her cottage by the sea, and often daydreams about her life there... and what it would be like if she still lived there.
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lit match

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Age : 29
Location : Why exactly do you care where I live??... STALKER!

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 6:25 pm

=) You lost me halfway down the outside part...
dang, this text is small and hard to read. Geezz...
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burning torch**

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{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 6:41 pm

Lawlawl, I think it's just you, Moony.
Starr can read it just fine-- And she's not wearing her glasses.
Actually, she hasn't worn them since she broke them in seventh grade. (;
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small flare-;

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{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 9:26 pm

Is Margaret based off you, Blizz?

Her chocolate brown eyes dark, her coal black pupils are barely noticeable, even from close up.
Kind of intimidating in my opinion~ I know a lot of people like that.
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lit match

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Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 28

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 7:20 am

Somewhat, Cleareh. +shrug; On some parts, she's not. On other parts, she is. Depends.
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small flare-;

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{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 10:39 am

Same with Stephen.
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 12:21 pm

Michelle is based off me..
A ton. o:
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small flare-;

Posts : 124
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Age : 34
Location : texas...

{Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 12:44 pm

Heh. (x
Well, I had to go change Stevie's picture to fit the dirty blond thing.
But I found one. ...And lost it... XD
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PostSubject: Re: {Margaret Loretta Chaconas--   {Margaret Loretta Chaconas-- I_icon_minitime

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