Il Lato Libero --x {ILL}
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 Charry of Flaming DOOM

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burned out;;

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Join date : 2009-05-05
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PostSubject: Charry of Flaming DOOM   Charry of Flaming DOOM I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 8:05 pm

Random title, just popped into my head. Here's the profile for my first character. Her name is just a bunch of Greek people I looked up on the internet. Her first name is another name for the god of war (aka Mars), middle is the sun god that was later identified as Apollo, and her last name is the spirit of darkness and the son of Chaos. Weird? Yes, but the first and middle name have to do with me and the last name is just cool. Oh and sorry, this is getting long...

~Name: Ares Helios Erebus

~Age: 15

~Gender: Female

~Appearance: Ares idea of a hairstyle is just waking up in the morning an brushing out the knots in her hair, thus, making her hair usually just lay across her face or pulled behind her ears. The girl’s hair is a dark brown color and comes down a few inches below her shoulders. Her eyes are a forest green color and she comes to about 5’7. Ares has normal peach colored skin and she’s a little below average weight by a few pounds.

~Personality: Ares’s parents moved around for the past few years, so she hasn’t had much time to socialize. At this point, Ares has become shy and isn’t willing to talk to others most of the time. She doesn’t care what’s hot and what’s not, she has her own style. She’s not girly, but not completely a tomboy. Ares just wants to be left alone and not to be bothered. If she has friends, then they are people she completely trusts, cares for them, and would help them when they needed it, and they would do the same for her

Sorry if I forgot anything. Let me know if I did, please.
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burning torch**

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Age : 29
Location : Somewhere under Kentucky.

Charry of Flaming DOOM Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charry of Flaming DOOM   Charry of Flaming DOOM I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:18 pm

You covered everything. (x
Starr thinks we're going to be over-run by shy people.. /snickers-
Good thing Rylan makes up for that with some of his loudness. x3
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burned out;;

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-05-05
Location : land

Charry of Flaming DOOM Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charry of Flaming DOOM   Charry of Flaming DOOM I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 2:36 pm

go Rylan!
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PostSubject: Re: Charry of Flaming DOOM   Charry of Flaming DOOM I_icon_minitime

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